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了解人心所向,有些人热衷于问卷测验,其实更可靠的,还是人们感情的自然流露。这方面,颇有几件令人刻骨铭心的事,我们不妨小作回顾,以求共识。本来,每年3月5日,驻地部队和青年学生,都要到雷锋塑像前举行纪念活动,缅怀英雄业绩。但有人为建什么加油站,竟动手拆除雷锋塑像。于是人们火了,一传十,十传百,以至上千市民纷纷抗议:“雷锋是一代又一代人的榜样,拆除雷锋像我们不答应!”一时间,此事成为热点新闻,传媒争相报道,终于引起市委、市府重视,决定雷锋像原址不动,像基背面已拆除部分尽快修复。这是发生在江西上饶的事,却波及各地人们的心。在北京,李素丽事迹传开后,21路1333号车,几乎每天发车时乘客都爆满。每天一早,总有几十、上百人等候在发车站,有的自带干粮,自带小凳,一等就是几小时。人们都想看李素丽一眼,想和李素丽说句话,想向李素丽表达一下自己的心情。1333号车行驶在马路上,也总有些骑车人、坐车人向李素丽招招手、点点头,以示敬慕。事在北京,却也连着各地人们的情。还有李燕杰,他在北京作思想道德建设演讲,话音刚 Understanding people’s heart, some people keen on the questionnaire test, in fact, more reliable, or the natural expression of people’s feelings. There are quite a few unforgettable things in this respect. We may as well make a small review to seek consensus. Originally, on March 5 of each year, the resident forces and youth students all went to commemorate the heroic performance in front of the statue of Lei Feng. However, some people have to build gas stations, actually dismantling Lei Feng statue. So people fire, a spread of ten, ten, and even thousands of people have protested: “Lei Feng is a role model generation after generation, demolition Lei Feng like we do not agree! ” For a time, the matter has become a hot news media Scramble reports, and finally caused the municipal government attention, the decision LeiFu like the site does not move, like the base has been removed as soon as possible to repair part of the back. This happened in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, but it affected the hearts of people everywhere. In Beijing, Li Su-li’s deeds spread, 21 Road 1333 cars, almost daily departure passengers are full. Every morning, there are always dozens, hundreds of people waiting at the departure station, and some bring their own dry food, bring their own stool, first-class is hours. People want to look at Li Su-li, want to say something with Li Su-li, want to express their feelings to Li Su-li. 1333 car driving on the road, there are always some riders, the driver beckoned to Li Su Li, nodded his head to show admiration. Things in Beijing, but also linked people’s love around. And Li Yanjie, who gave a speech in Beijing on ideological and moral construction, just finished his speech
当别处都春暖花开时,巨人的花园却又冷又静。一次孩子们闯进了巨人的花园,只要是孩子们碰过的地方都开出了美丽的鲜花,草地上长满了绿茸茸的青草, The giants’ gardens are