This paper investigates the dust hazards of the feather processing industry, a mixed dust that contains a large amount of impurities in addition to the organic constituents of feathers. Its free SiO 2 content depends on the amount of impurities, the average content of feathers 2.3%, while the impurities up to 41.9%. Dust concentration up to 446.67mg / m ~ 3. Feather pneumoconiosis pathogenesis, the first consideration should be the role of SiO_2. Five cases of feather workers pneumoconiosis X-ray two, the lower lung area irregular S-shaped I-level concentration of small shadows, a small number of individual round small shadow. Pulmonary function mainly obstructive disorders. The main performance of the contact is “feather fever”, accounting for 61.1%, followed by skin allergies and upper respiratory tract irritation. Contact immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG) was significantly lower than the control group.