Focal Plane Image Assembly of Subpixel

来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hamihami
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This paper describes the scanning assembly principle and construction of scanning assembly sample.The factors that affect assembly accuracy are analyzed.There are two steps in CCD focal plane scanning assembly.The first is rough assembly,and the second is accurate assembly.In this paper,the moiré fringe is introduced in judging assembly accuracy directly and accurately.The equation for optical transmission characteristics of CCD Moiré fringes is presented.The measurement of Moiré fringes can be completed when some conditions are satisfied.2D_assembly error can be obtained by using digital correlation filtering technique.Finally,the result of focal plane scanning assembly is presented.The result is in good accordance with theory. This paper describes the scanning assembly principle and construction of scanning assembly sample. The factors that affect assembly accuracy are analyzed. Here are two steps in CCD focal plane scanning assembly. The first is rough assembly, and the second is accurate assembly. In this paper , the moiré fringe is introduced in judging assembly accuracy directly and accurately. equation for optical transmission characteristics of CCD Moiré fringes is presented. The measurement of Moiré fringes can be completed when some conditions are satisfied. 2_assembly error can be obtained by using digital correlation filtering technique .Finally, the result of focal plane scanning assembly is presented.The result is in good accordance with theory.
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