目的:通过对植入Zephyr DR型起搏器患者的随访,了解心房及心室自动阈值管理的安全性和有效性。方法:对植入Zephyr DR型起搏器7例患者,分别于起搏器植入后1、3、6个月复查起搏参数,包括自动测量心房、心室起搏阈值,手动测量心房、心室起搏阈值。结果:1、3、6个月随访时心房、心室自动测试和手动测试测得的阈值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:Zephyr DR型起搏器自动阈值夺获功能耗能低而且安全有效。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the safety and efficacy of automatic threshold management of atria and ventricles through follow-up of patients with Zephyr DR pacemakers. Methods: Seven patients with Zephyr DR type pacemaker were enrolled. The pacing parameters were reviewed at 1,3,6 months after implantation of pacemaker, including automatic measurement of atrial and ventricular pacing threshold, manual measurement of atrial and ventricular volume Pacing threshold. Results: The thresholds of atrial and ventricular automatic tests and manual tests at 1,3,6 months follow-up were not statistically different (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The Zephyr DR pacemaker automatic threshold-capture is energy efficient and safe.