
来源 :华南预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:D_boy85
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目的分析玉林市医疗机构法定报告传染病的漏报情况,为进一步提高传染病网络报告质量提供依据。方法 2011年按照《玉林市医疗机构传染病漏报调查方案》抽查全市各级医疗机构进行传染病漏报调查。结果本次共调查各级医疗机构33家,其中市级医疗机构10家、县级综合医院7家、乡镇(街道)医院16家。共抽查门诊日志及出入院登记195 516人次,查出应报法定传染病病例586例,实报561例,报告率为95.73%(561/586);漏报25例,漏报率为4.27%(25/586);其中乙、丙类传染病漏报率分别为2.76%(12/434)、8.55%(13/152),差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.01);县、乡级医疗机构传染病漏报率分别为1.75%(8/457)、13.18%(17/129),差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.01)。传染病报告及时率、完整率、准确率、一致率分别为99.54%(430/432)、93.75%(405/432)、89.58%(387/432)、76.16%(329/432)。结论玉林市医疗机构传染病报告工作仍存在漏报现象,应采取综合性防控措施,进一步提高传染病报告质量。 Objective To analyze the omission of notifiable infectious diseases reported by medical institutions in Yulin City and provide the basis for further improving the quality of infectious disease network reports. Methods In 2011, the medical institutions at all levels of the city were randomly selected to conduct a survey on the omission of infectious diseases according to the “Yulin Investigation Report on Infectious Diseases in Medical Institutions”. Results A total of 33 medical institutions at all levels were investigated, including 10 municipal-level medical institutions, 7 county-level general hospitals and 16 township (street) hospitals. A total of 195 516 outpatient diaries and 195 516 registrations were recorded. Among them, 586 cases of legal infectious diseases should be reported, 561 cases were reported as real cases, with a reported rate of 95.73% (561/586); 25 cases were underreported and the false negative rate was 4.27% (25/586). The omission rate of infectious diseases of Category B and C were 2.76% (12/434) and 8.55% (13/152), respectively, with significant difference (P <0.01) The rate of missing infectious diseases in institutions was 1.75% (8/457) and 13.18% (17/129), respectively, with significant difference (P <0.01). The rates of promptness, completeness, accuracy and concordance of infectious diseases were 99.54% (430/432), 93.75% (405/432), 89.58% (387/432) and 76.16% (329/432), respectively. Conclusion There are still some omissions in the reporting of infectious diseases in medical institutions in Yulin. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken to further improve the reporting of infectious diseases.
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创伤弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus,VV)是一种嗜温、嗜盐、嗜碱型海洋致病菌,与霍乱弧菌、肠炎弧菌同属致病弧菌[1]。2004年广东赵俊华等因报道在输澳鲜活淡水鱼中检出VV[2]而备受