Wheat Grain Yield and Protein Content as Influenced by Sodium Bisulfite

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilsonpfan
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Two wheat varieties with similar yield and significantly different protein content were chosen to study the effect of foliage spraying sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) at low concentration to wheat plants receiving different levels of nitrogen on nitrate reduction along with yield and protein content of grain, so as to discuss the relationship between carbon metabolism and nitrogen metabolism, and find out the intrinsic mechanism of grain yield and protein content formation. The results showed that spraying NaHSO3 at grain-filing stage increased the yield of grain, but declined the capacity of nitrate reduction, which might result in decrease of protein content in the end. Whether receiving NaHSO, or not, the variety with high protein content had higher final protein level and nitrate reduction capacity than that with low protein content. Two wheat varieties with similar yield and significantly different protein content were chosen to study the effect of foliage spraying sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) at low concentration to wheat plants receiving different levels of nitrogen on nitrate reduction along with yield and protein content of grain, so as to discuss the relationship between carbon metabolism and nitrogen metabolism, and find out the intrinsic mechanism of grain yield and protein content formation. The results showed that spraying NaHSO3 at grain-filing stage increased the yield of grain, but declined the capacity of nitrate reduction, which may result in decrease of protein content in the end. Whether receiving NaHSO, or not, the variety with high protein content had higher final protein level and nitrate reduction capacity than that with low protein content.
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