KENTRON公司可望今年获得国防部对其正式研制近距空-空导弹A-Darter的(A标枪)批准,该公司还在调研命名为R-Darter(R标枪)的配套中距雷达导弹的可行性。 A标枪导弹目前处于型号论证阶段,该弹拟采用全新的气动外形。该弹只用尾舵面控制,无前舵面。弹体设计有纵向边条,既用于气动整流,也用作控制和制导线路的导线管。 KENTRON公司正在开发和验证该弹的红外成像导引头的算法,这是一种新设计的导引头,与SAHV-IR面对空导弹的导引头无继承关系,能以90°离轴角发射导弹。
KENTRON is expected to receive approval from the Department of Defense this year for its official launch of A-Darter’s A-Darter, which is also investigating the feasibility of supporting mid-range radar missiles named R-Darter Sex. A Javelin missile is currently in the model demonstration stage, the bomb to use a new aerodynamic shape. The projectile is controlled by tail rudder only, without front rudder. The projectile is designed with longitudinal edges, both for pneumatic rectification and as conduit for control and guidance. KENTRON is developing and validating the algorithm for the missile’s infrared imaging seeker, a newly introduced seeker that has no inheritance from the seeker of the SAHV-IR face-to- Angle launch missile.