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近日,国务院总理李克强在《经济学人》年刊《世界2016》刊发的《中国经济的蓝图》引起了国内外舆论的广泛热议,其所释放的经济信号值得高度重视。从李克强总理所刊文章来看,透露的重要信号是以结构性改革来促进中国经济更有效益地发展,尽快构建起一个大幅度增加创新驱动和消费拉动力的可持续增长新模式。结构性改革不仅是寻找新的 Recently, State Department Premier Li Keqiang’s “blueprint for the Chinese economy” published in the “Economist” annual “World 2016” has aroused widespread heated public opinion at home and abroad. The economic signal it deserves attaches great importance. According to the articles published by Premier Li Keqiang, the important signal disclosed is to promote the more effective development of China’s economy through structural reforms and to establish as soon as possible a new and sustainable model of growth that will significantly increase the driving force of innovation and consumption. Structural reforms are not just about finding new ones
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王生才,陕西人。作品多次被《美术界》、《东方美术》、《中国画清赏》等专业刊物发表,出版有个人专集三种。现为职些画家。 Wang Sheng Cai, Shaanxi people. His works h
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随着皮凯蒂《21世纪资本论》在全世界走红,财富分配以及经济平等问题再度引发学界激辩。法国著名经济学家罗伯特·波伊尔(Robert Boyer)在《政治经济评论》(Review of Political Economy)2015年第4期发表的文章中认为,当今世界的不平等状况不同以往,他以“体制不平等”(regime of inequality)的概念,分析讨论世界各国在同一问题上的不同历史轨迹,而各
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