
来源 :北京成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linhom222
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开放和改革是相辅相成,互为因果的两个方面,对于成人教育来说也是如此。成人教育的改革目前正处于需要深思慎行的关键时刻,打开窗子,扩大视野,开阔思路是十分必要的。其中很重要的一方面是了解国外成人教育理论和实践的现状,丰富我们的理论知识,摘取适合于我的经验。许多成人教育工作者也有这个要求。为此,我们特增辟此栏目,每期向读者介绍一些国外成人教育的最新著作,使读者能通过我们传达的信息,较为便捷地获取国外成人教育的信息。此栏目是在北图外文新书阅览室诸同志热情帮助下得以开辟的。简介的文章多由他们提供,是他们对在书海中翻阅而择出的精品的介绍。读者可根据索书号到北京图书馆阅览、复印,很是方便。值此开栏之际,仅向北图外文新书阅览室诸同志致以谢忱。 Openness and reform are two aspects of complementarity and mutual causality, as well as adult education. At present, the reform of adult education is at a crucial moment that requires deep thinking and cautiousness. It is absolutely necessary to open the window, broaden our horizons and broaden our thinking. One of the most important aspects is to understand the current situation of foreign adult education theory and practice, enrich our theoretical knowledge, and extract the experience that suits me. Many adult education workers also have this requirement. To this end, we have added this section to introduce the readers to some of the latest works on adult education in foreign countries so that readers can easily obtain information on adult education in foreign countries through the messages we send. This column is open in the enthusiasm of all the comrades in the North Figure New Book Reading Room. The brief articles are mostly provided by them and are an introduction to the boutique they choose to read through the sea of ​​books. Readers can call number to the Beijing Library reading, copying, it is convenient. On the occasion of the opening of this column, we would like to express our gratitude to all the comrades in the north library for reading new foreign languages.
教室是学生学习的主要场所 ,教室采光、照明以及课桌椅等都直接影响学生的身体健康。为认真贯彻《学校卫生工作条例》,改善学校卫生条件 ,福建省宁德地区卫生防疫站于1999年
本文通过对143例盆腔包块的住院病人及298例妊娠妇女血清CA125值的测定,探讨CA125在盆腔疾病的诊断、治疗、监测等方面的意义。 In this paper, 143 cases of pelvic mass i
一、与人肺有关的常见寄生虫 (一)似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫):人误食感染性蛔虫卵,在小肠内孵化出幼虫,迅速钻入肠壁,进入静脉或淋巴管,然后经门静脉或胸导管,到达右心,再经肺动脉到
一是因材施教 ,强化育人意识。中专学校生源广 ,来自四面八方 ,因此学生中文化水平和专业知识往往参差不齐 ,教师在课堂上应一视同仁地对待学生 ,实施因材施教 ;对差生要善于
由人民文学出版社和北京有线广播电视台联合举办的首届全国“我和童话有个约会”有奖征文活动 ,7月29日在京揭晓。本届征文收到全国中小学生的作品近千篇 ,文章题材新颖 ,内容广