
来源 :三江学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gardeeen
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系主任简介日语系主任揭侠(1951.12-),生于山东单县。文学硕士,教授。长期从事日语教学与科研,迄今为止,已经培养了几百名日语本科人才,指导了13名研究生;先后有30余篇学术论文发表;专著《日语修辞研究)2005年出版后在国内引起了不小的反响,2007年荣获江苏省社科成果2等奖。另外,有译著十余册计200多万字发表。在国内的日语界有相当的知名度。被聘为中国日语教学研究会常务理事、中国日本文学研究会理事、中国比较文学会日本分会常务理事、南京大学和东南大学兼职教授。 Department director Brief introduction Japanese department Jie man (1951.12 -), was born in Shandong Shanxian. Master of Arts, Professor. Has long been engaged in Japanese teaching and research, so far, has trained hundreds of Japanese undergraduate talent, instructed 13 graduate students; has published more than 30 academic papers; monograph "Japanese rhetorical research) in 2005 after the publication caused in the country not Small response, in 2007 won the Jiangsu Provincial Social Science Award 2 prize. In addition, there are more than ten volumes of more than 200 words published. In the domestic Japanese community has a considerable reputation. He is hired as an executive director of China Japanese Language Teaching and Research Association, director of China Japanese Literature Research Association, executive director of Japan Branch of Chinese Comparative Literature Association, part-time professor of Nanjing University and Southeast University.