搭建平台 共促安置

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盐城是革命老区、兵员大市。近年来,盐城军分区着眼服务经济建设和部队建设大局,不等不靠、主动作为,注重加强军地协调,积极探索搭建军转安置组织平台、政策平台、宣传平台和运行平台,有力促进了军转安置任务完成和安置质量提高,做法得到军地的充分肯定,有力推动了军转安置任务的圆满完成。健全组织平台,形成军地合力军分区党委深刻认识到,军转安置工作事关部队建设发展、关乎社会和谐稳定,是一项重要的政治任务,必须坚持大事大抓、常议常抓。军分区主要领导利用参加军转安置工作会议、军地走访等时机,反复强调转业干部是重要的人才资源,他们转业到地方工作是党、政府和军队的一项重要制度,安排好转业干部是军地各级重要的政治责任。 Yancheng is the old revolutionary base areas, soldiers market. In recent years, the Yancheng Army District has focused its attention on the overall situation of service economy and army building. Unendingly and unwaveringly, the Yancheng Army focused on strengthening military coordination and actively exploring and establishing a platform for military relocation organization, policy platform, propaganda platform and operation platform, The completion of military relocation and the improvement of the quality of resettlement have been fully affirmed by the military and have effectively promoted the successful completion of the task of military relocation. Perfecting the Organizational Platform and Forming a Forces of All Forces for Allied Military Forces The district party committee has profoundly realized that the military relocation work has a bearing on the building and development of the army and is an important political task concerning social stability and harmony. We must persist in grasping important issues and often grasping frequently. The main leaders of the military sub-region took the opportunity of participating in the conference of military relocation and military visit and repeatedly took the opportunity to repeatedly emphasize that the demobilized cadres are an important talent resource. Their re-employment to local work is an important system of the party, the government and the army. Important political responsibilities at all levels of the military.
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在一些科幻片中,人类狂奔逃脱食肉恐龙追杀的场面并不鲜见。而实际上,如果真的遭遇到食肉恐龙,人类是难以逃脱的,因为即使是最笨重的暴龙,也比人类跑得快。  在42千米长的马拉松比赛中,世界上最优秀运动员的奔跑时间也在2小时以上,也就是说,人类超过1小时以上的长时间奔跑速度一般时速不会超过20千米。恐龙看似十分笨重,但它们肌肉十分发达,奔跑时速最高可达64千米,最低时速也可达29千米。也就是说,即使是最