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综国力的日益强大使得世界为之瞠目,与此同时,各种深层次矛盾也如水中的礁石,隐约可见。在这一关键时刻,决定中国这艘经济大船行驶航向、具有里程碑意义的一次重要会议——全国科技大会于2006年1月9日召开。此次会议将以增强自主创新能力为主线,以建设创新型国家为目标,对我国科学技术的发展作出全面规划和部署。提高国家的自主创新能力,被置于前所未有的高度。走创新型国家发展道路是我国21世纪发展的战略先择。在科技飞速发展的今天,科技战略的重要性已经不言自明——科授已经成为国家安全的保护屏障,科技已经成为国家经济发展的引擎,科技已经成为提高人民生活福祉的基础。在这一过程中,高校的作用越业越显得重要。本刊在科技大会召开之际,锁定了一所始终走在自主创新探索之路上的高校和一位刚刚在世界获奖的青年科学家。 In the meantime, all kinds of deep-seated conflicts like the reefs in the water are vaguely visible. At this crucial juncture, an important conference with landmark milestones deciding the course of the economic ship of China, the National Science and Technology Conference, was held on January 9, 2006. The meeting will take the enhancement of the capability of independent innovation as its main line and its goal of building an innovation-oriented country. It will comprehensively plan and deploy the development of science and technology in our country. To improve the capability of independent innovation in our country has been placed on an unprecedented level. Taking the path of developing an innovative country is the strategic choice for the 21st century in our country. Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the importance of science and technology strategy is self-evident. Scientific professor has become the protective barrier of national security. Science and technology have become the engine of national economic development. Science and technology have become the basis of improving people's well-being. In this process, the more and more the role of colleges and universities become more and more important. As the Science and Technology Conference was held, the magazine locked a university that has always walked in the path of independent innovation and a young scientist who has just won a prize in the world.
在公司的管理运营中 ,如何解决所有者及管理者之间的矛盾问题已经探索了许多年。在西方国家 ,为了避免因管理者和股东之间由于决策不统一而对公司的发展经营造成负面影响 ,逐
《科技咨询导报》是经国家科技部、国家新闻出版总署批准,由中国宇航出版社主办的国家综合科技期刊。国内统一刊号:CN11-5217/N;国际标 “Science and Technology Advisory
人们常从大公司员工口中听到他们对公司高层领导的抱怨:“没有像个高层领导样子的思想。没有建设性提案。”“交际范围太狭窄,行动太慢。”…… 企业经营者对高层领导的要求
管理变革为什么 如果说九十年代中国企业还在为抓市场寻生机实现以市场为导向战略转型,那么,面临新世纪更为强劲的企业变革的转折,中国企业家除了时刻把握住市场先机外,更为重要