垦利县地处黄河三角洲腹地,位于黄河最下游。该地区为黄河冲积滨海平原,属北温带半湿润季风型大陆性气候,四季分明,雨热同期,光热充足,适宜高粱制种。自1971年至今,该县已有近30年制种历史,通过多年实践,研究与掌握了一套高粱制种的高产、优质技术措施,使制种产量由原来的154.2kg/667m~2提高到现在的357.6kg/667m~2,制种效益大大提高。现将主要技术措施介绍如下: 1 选地隔离选择地势平坦、土壤肥力高且均匀、能灌能排、旱涝保收的地块为制种
Kenli County is located in the hinterland of the Yellow River Delta, located at the bottom of the Yellow River. The area is the Yellow River alluvial coastal plain, which belongs to the north temperate semi-humid monsoon continental climate, with four seasons, rain and heat over the same period, adequate light and heat, suitable for the production of sorghum. Since 1971, the county has been planted for nearly 30 years. Through years of practice, it has studied and mastered a set of high-yielding and high-quality technical measures for seed production of sorghum so that seed production will be increased from the original 154.2kg / 667m ~ 2 Up to now, 357.6kg / 667m ~ 2, seed production efficiency greatly improved. Now the main technical measures are introduced as follows: 1 Selection of isolated flat topography, high and uniform soil fertility, irrigation and drainage row, Hanlaobaoshou plots for seed production