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改革开放15年来,我省邮电部门认真贯彻中央关于“统筹规划,条块结合,分层负责,联合建设”的指导方针,以改革为动力,以发展为主线,依靠改革,依靠科技进步,依靠社会各方面的支持,使我省邮电通信事业持续快速发展。15年来,邮电业务量年均增长35.4%,邮电业务收入年均增长33.9%,远远高于全省国民经济发展速度。1993年与1978年相比,长途电路从726条增加到8.8万条,增长120倍;城乡电话机容量从21.1万门增加到500万门, In the 15 years since the reform and opening up, the post and telecommunications department of our province conscientiously implemented the guidelines set forth by the central authorities on “overall planning, strip-strip integration, stratification in charge and joint construction”, taking reform as the driving force, taking development as the main line, relying on reform and relying on scientific and technological progress , Relying on the support of all sectors of society so that the cause of post and telecommunications in our province will continue to develop rapidly and rapidly. In the past 15 years, the volume of postal and telecommunications services has increased by 35.4% on average annually, while that of post and telecommunications services has increased by 33.9% on average annually, much faster than the national economic growth rate in the province. Compared with 1978, the number of long-distance circuits increased from 726 to 88,000 in 1993, an increase of 120 times; the telephone capacity in urban and rural areas increased from 211,000 to 5 million,
一个半综合征(The one and a halfsyndrome),临床上较少见。现将我院收治的由多发性腔隙性脑梗塞引起的一个半综合征一例报告如下。病历摘要李xx,男,75岁,住院号2099。于入
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介绍了电压比较器的输入与输出电压特性、电压比较器分类及窗口比较器的工作原理,最后给出了窗口比较器在计算机电源模块中的应用的实例。 Introduced the voltage comparat
“今天是——8月31日!啊!明天就要上学啦!”我失魂落魄地从卧室里走出来。进入8月以来,每天都至少看两次日历。  我正在做早饭,心里一直在想这件事,心不在焉的。不能睡觉睡到自然醒;很多作业;很多考试……  吃完早饭,我就为开学做准备:首先,我检查一下暑假作业,收拾书包。收拾完毕!  到了中午觉时间,往常我一定会美美地睡上一觉,可今天,我却翻来覆去都睡不着!我决定去刷微博!刷微博时,我无意间看到了一