
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayczswh
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目的:给出2004年美国医院药学会医院药学实践全国调查中有关处方开立和转录的结果。方法:由SMG公司的医院数据库中分层随机抽取全美1 183家综合或儿童医院,通过邮件对药房主任进行调查。结果:响应率41.7%,与2001年的调查相比,药事和治疗委员会召开的次数增加,说明对医院用药的监测和管理的进步;在处方管理中,对患者生存质量的考虑增加,说明不再是简单根据经济支出进行处方决策;依据处方集开药的比例减少,但是依据临床循证指南开药的比例增加,这说明除处方集外,还有更加合理的改进处方开立的方式;小医院进行临床用药评价的比例增加;药品信息服务的比例继续下降,但更易获取、更高效的在线药学资源增加;口头医嘱再复核的比例自2001年以来显著增加;计算机辅助开方系统的普及依然缓慢。结论:2004年的美国医院药师协会调查表明药师正在持续的努力改进用药过程中的处方开立和转录环节。 OBJECTIVE: To provide the results of the opening and transcription of prescriptions in the 2004 National Institute of Pharmacology Hospital Pharmacy Practice. METHODS: A total of 1 183 general hospitals or children’s hospitals across the United States were stratified by SMG’s hospital database, and pharmacy directors were investigated by mail. Results: The response rate was 41.7%. Compared with the 2001 survey, the number of medical and therapeutic committees held increased, indicating progress in the monitoring and management of hospital medication. In prescription management, the consideration of patients’ quality of life increased, indicating The prescriptions for prescriptions are no longer simply based on economic expenditures; the proportion of prescriptions prescribed for prescriptions is reduced; however, the proportion of prescriptions prescribed on the basis of clinical evidence-based guidelines is increased. This shows that in addition to the prescription set, there is a more reasonable way to improve the prescription of prescriptions ; The proportion of small hospitals in clinical drug evaluation increased; the proportion of drug information services continued to decline, but more accessible and more efficient online pharmacy resources increased; the proportion of verbal orders re-examined significantly increased since 2001; the number of computer-assisted prescribing systems Popularity is still slow. CONCLUSIONS: A 2004 survey of the American Association of Hospital Pharmacists showed that pharmacists are continuing their efforts to improve the prescription and transcriptional aspects of medication use.
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目的 探讨降低儿童开放性骨盆骨折死亡率的有效方法。方法 本组 2 3例 ,其中 2 2例发生休克 ,采用止血、输血及手术治疗。结果 经救治 ,2 1例存活 ,2例死亡 ,死亡率为 8 7