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遵圣人训立百家言成都圣立文化传播有限公司是一家从事各类印刷品设计制作、编辑、出版的专业机构,内设编辑部、设计部、排版部,拥有图书出版、内容策划、内文编撰、装帧设计、电脑排版、特种印刷等雄厚的技术力量。十年圣立,成就专业口碑。公司秉承“合作、创新、发展”的经营理念,以“出精品、树品牌、创一流、共发展”为经营目标,坚持以读者为中心,以客户为主体, Following the Saints of Establishing One Hundred Schools Chengdu Shengli Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is engaged in all kinds of print design, editing, publishing professional institutions, equipped with editorial department, design department, layout department, with books, content planning, content Compilation, binding design, computer typesetting, special printing and other strong technical force. Decade St., the achievements of professional reputation. Companies adhering to the “cooperation, innovation and development” business philosophy to “a boutique, brand tree, a first-class, a total development” as the business objective, adhere to the reader as the center, the customer as the mainstay,
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