
来源 :四川教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litian
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《生活·生命与安全》是我省基于深化基础教育课程改革而开发的一门以儿童社会生活为基础,帮助学生建立生命与自我、生命与自然、生命与社会的和谐关系;培养学生的积极人生态度和健全人格,提高自我生存和自我保护的素养和能力的综合活动课程。课程既符合时代发展的普遍要求,同时也满足四川省灾后重建的实际需要。由于该课程相对于语文、数学等课程而言,缺乏充足的教学辅助性资料,教师设计教学面临一定的挑战。 “Life, Life and Safety” is based on the deepening of basic education curriculum reform in our province to develop a social life based on children, to help students build a harmonious relationship between life and self, life and nature, life and society; to develop students’ enthusiasm Life attitude and sound personality, improve self-survival and self-protection of the qualities and abilities of the integrated activity curriculum. The curriculum accords with the general requirements of the development of the times and meets the actual needs of post-disaster reconstruction in Sichuan Province. Due to the lack of sufficient teaching aids for Chinese and maths, this course faces some challenges in design teaching.
In a radio frequency identification (RFID) system, the backscattered signal is small and prone to interference.The performance of RFID tag identification in int
用可溶性前聚物法制备的聚 1,4萘乙炔( P N V)制成单层有机电致发光器件。该器件阳极为 I T O,阴极为 Ca,器件在正向偏压4 V 左右时开始发光,发光谱峰值为605 nm ,最高亮度为140 Cd/m 2 。文章分析了 P N V
用瓶中造船法将 5,1 0 ,1 5,2 0 -四羟基苯基卟啉醋酸钴组装在 Si-MCM-4 1中 .通过 ICP元素分析、DTA差热分析及 XRD、EPR、XPS、UV-Vis光谱等对组装前后样品的含量、热稳定
以 Marcus-Hush电子转移理论为基础 ,提出了用量子化学密度泛函方法研究自交换和异交换电子转移反应的理论方案 .在 DFT B3 LYP/6-3 1 1 +G(2 D)水平上研究了溶液中 NO2 /NO-
How the silkworm spins out such an excellent silk fiber has been a hot topic. The issue here is to know how the coil chains in the gland of silkworm transform t