豪情满怀谋发展 中铁十三局集团公司发展建设巡礼

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日前,从我国大型施工企业中铁十三局集团公司传来喜讯:2002年集团公司“三步走”战略初获成果,已完成施工产值31.94亿元。在行业竞争日趋激烈、产业整合加剧、利润大幅缩水的今天,中铁十三局集团公司不仅顺利渡过了调整期,而且以强劲之势,位列全国500家大型建设企业中第24位。先后两次荣获“吉林省明星企业”称号,创造了同行业连年飘红的奇迹。思路决定出路。以董事长文普津、总经理王学伟为首的公司领导团队把握局势,抢抓机遇,及时调整策略,实现了企业向品牌化、专业化、多元化和国际化的转变。长期以来,一些制约企业发展的“瓶颈”因素,如思想观念陈旧,承揽体系尚不健全,队伍素质偏低,基础工作不扎实以及粗放管理等问题,使企业创收水平不稳定,甚至有的项目造成严重亏损。而与此同时,国内几家大型施工企业却正在加速丰满着羽翼,特别是2001年下半年,中国建筑业市场格局在看不见的硝烟中开始重新“洗 Recently, the good news came from the 13th China Railway Group Corporation, a large construction enterprise in our country. In 2002, the Group won the first results of the ”Three Steps“ strategy and completed the construction output value of 3.194 billion yuan. Today, with increasingly fierce competition in the industry, intensified industrial consolidation and a drastic decline in profits, the 13th CSG Holding Corporation has not only smoothly passed the adjustment period but also ranks 24th among the 500 large-scale construction enterprises in China with strong momentum. Has twice won the ”star enterprises in Jilin Province,“ the title, has created the same industry gains across the board wonders of miracles. Ideas determine the way out. The leadership team of the company, led by Chairman Wen Pu Jin and General Manager Wang Xuewei, grasped the situation, seized the opportunities and adjusted the strategies in time to realize the transformation from branding, specialization, diversification and internationalization. For a long time, some ”bottlenecks" restricting the development of enterprises have caused problems such as outdated ideological concepts, unsound contracting systems, low-quality teams, underdeveloped basic work and extensive management, which have made the level of revenue-generating enterprises unstable. There are even The project caused a serious loss. In the meantime, however, several large-scale construction enterprises in China are speeding up their plump wings. Especially in the second half of 2001, the market structure of China’s construction industry started to be re-washed in the invisible smoke