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近几年,我国加快了高考改革步伐,2011年全国已经有20个省份结合高中新课程改革实行高考综合改革试点,18个省份实施高考自主命题,高考模式发生了重大而深刻的变革。由于试卷模式不同,试题类型相异,本文以2011年高考政治江苏卷(以下简称苏卷)和上海卷(以下简称沪卷)、大纲全国卷(以下简称全国卷I)和新课标全国卷(以下简称全国卷Ⅱ)为范本,超越常规视角,跨越知识边界,聚焦试卷亮点,探究命题规律,为2012年高考政治备考提供前瞻性的参考。 In recent years, our country has accelerated the pace of college entrance examination reform. In 2011, there are already 20 provinces in China carrying out the pilot reform of college entrance examination combined with the new curriculum reform in high schools. In 18 provinces, the college entrance examination autonomy proposition has taken place and the college entrance examination model has undergone major and profound changes. Due to the different mode of test papers and the different types of test questions, this paper takes the 2011 Jiangsu University Entrance Examination Curriculum (hereinafter referred to as the Soviet Volume) and the Shanghai Volume (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Volume), the Outline National Curriculum (hereinafter referred to as the National Volume I) (Hereinafter referred to as the National Volume II) as a model, beyond the conventional perspective, across the boundaries of knowledge, focusing on the bright spot papers to explore the law of propositions for 2012 college entrance examination pro forma reference to provide forward-looking.
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