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郑若麟和王海曦应被视为有心的记者,一位是上海《文汇报》驻巴黎记者,一位是中新社记者。二位在国务院副总理、上海市长朱镕基四月率团访法时采访了这个团,写了一些报道。但最能显出他们是“有心人”的稿子,当推4月21日《文汇报》上发表的那篇“巴黎专电”,题目叫《巴黎采访朱镕基记者瞠目遇三难》。——能在采访时归纳出“三难”来,显然是动了脑筋的,郑、王二位堪称“有心”的记者无疑。有心,应当说是记者的一个基本功,就新闻五个W来说,或新闻的“快新短活”等要求来看,都需要上心的记者才能胜任愉快,否则,凡事稀里马虎,糊里糊涂,是决计写不出好的新闻作品来的,到手的新闻可能会失之交臂,眼皮底下的“活鱼”可能会倏尔溜走,以致叫苦不迭,追悔莫及。这就用得着笔啊本子啊之外的功夫,——用心的功夫了。但光是用心,是不是就会造就一位好记者呢?难 Zheng Ruolin and Wang Haixi should be regarded as dedicated journalists. One is Shanghai’s Wen Wei Po’s reporter in Paris and one is China News Agency’s reporter. Two Vice Premier and Shanghai Mayor Zhu Rongji interviewed the delegation during his delegation visit to France in April and wrote some reports. However, the most striking example is that they are “man of conscience”. When pushing the “Paris Specialist” published in the Wen Wei Po on April 21, the title is “Paris interview with Zhu Rongji reporter.” - It is obvious that we can sum up the “three difficulties” in the interview. There is no doubt that two reporters from Zheng and Wang are “determined”. Dedicated, it should be said that a reporter’s basic skills, the news of the five W, or the news of “quick and easy” and other requirements, all need to be the heart of reporters to be competent happy, otherwise, everything is careless, paste Confused, it is determined not to write a good news work, the hand of the news may be missed, under the noses of the “live fish” may slip away Seoul, so complacent, regrettable. This uses a pen outside the book of kung fu, hard work of the heart. However, just carefully, is not it will create a good reporter?
1 试验设计与方法 1.1 试验地基本情况试验地设在海伦市丰山乡丰荣村。土壤属平整的黑土,在黑龙江省第三积温带具有一定的代表性,土壤肥力中等,PH值偏碱性,无灌溉条件,试验