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藏界青睐艺术大家泱泱韩流,生发于印之方寸,由此入书、入画、入藏,虽得其鱼而不忘其筌,此豆庐天衡先生也。先生以印立艺,打破艺术门类的“马蜂窝”壁垒,终成大家。在先生的每一程艺术道路上,都幸运地得到大师的点拨,从方介堪、方去疾先生沿金石及印学;从马公愚、陆维钊先生习书法;从谢稚柳先生攻国画及鉴赏文学,与国画太师切磋艺术,由此探索艺术,求其精神,酝酿了饱满丰沛的艺术元真之气,以此运斤,则奇中取正,蕴涵风雷,韩流滚滚;以此入画,则心存古意,文质彬彬,意趣天成;以此入书,则首创草篆,外师造化,中得心源。有艺评家认为他对传统的理解是极其深刻的,而且洞若明烛;对本身的认知则更是客观的、透彻的。无时无刻不在仰古人之鼻息,又无时无刻不在与传统“搏斗”。印、书、画,加上艺术理论方面的求索与成就,造就了一代大师的诞生。自上世纪70年代起,青年韩天衡以雷霆激奋之印风,震动国内篆刻界,刘海粟、李可染、谢稚柳、程十发、黄胄、陆俨少等国画大师用印多出天衡之手,至今犹为业内乐道。先生已是花甲之年,这股韩流依然长盛不衰。2001年,时任总书记的江泽民亲手持韩天衡篆刻的20枚印章,作为国礼,分赠参加上海APEC会议的各国首脑,成为中国篆刻史上极为重 The Tibetan community favors the art of all the khmer Hallyu, hair grows in India's square inch, which into the book, into the painting, into Tibet, although the fish did not forget its flies, this bean Lu Tianheng also. Mr. India to art, to break the art category “hornet's nest ” barrier, eventually became everyone. On every road of his journey, he was fortunate enough to be instructed by his master. From Fang Kaikan and Fang Funchi, he went along the stones and printed books. From Mr. Ma Gongyu and Mr. Lu Weizhao to calligraphy, Mr. Xie Zhiliu attacked the painting and appreciation of literature , And the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy to learn from art, to explore the art, to seek its spirit, brewing a rich and abundant art of the real gas, in order to transport jin, then odd in positive, implies the thunder, the Korean billowing; Then the memory of ancient, gentle, interesting Tiancheng; as a book into the book, the first grass seal, good fortune in the external division, in the heart of the source. Some critics think that his understanding of the tradition is extremely profound, and the cave is clear; his own cognition is even more objective and thorough. All the time all over the world, but also all the time with the traditional “fight ”. Printing, books, painting, together with the pursuit of artistic theory and achievements, created a generation of master's birth. Since the 70s of last century, youth HanTianHeng with thunder excitement of the Indian style, shaking the domestic carving circles, Liu Haisu, Li Keran, Xie Zhi Liu, Cheng Shifa, Huang Zhi, Industry music. Mr. is already a year of flower, this Korean wave is still growing. In 2001, Jiang Zemin, then general secretary, personally held 20 seals of the Han Tianheng carving and served as state ceremonies and donated the heads of state to attend the APEC meeting in Shanghai and became extremely heavy in the history of Chinese carving
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