Meng Weina: Pave Road for Disabilities

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  NGO, the abbreviation of Non-Governmental Organization, refers to, under a special legal system, the association, social group, foundation, charitable trust, non-profit corporation or other legal entities which are not constituted in government departments. Its establishment does not depend on the state and government, nor does its operation rely on the authority. It is not economic entity, not seeking for economic interests, but originating on voluntary spirit. This kind of entity began in 1980s around the world. With the prominence of global population boom, poverty and environment problems, people realized that only depending on the traditional social roles – government and market, can hardly realize the sustainable development of human beings. Responding to that, NGO repaidly develops and becomes a new role in society.
  NGO,英文“non-governmenta lorganization”一词的缩写,是指在特定法律系统下,不被视为政府部门的协会、社团、基金会、慈善信托、非营利公司或其他法人。它不依赖于国家和政府建立,不靠权力驱动;也不是经济体,尤其不以谋取经济利益为目的;源动力为自愿精神,全称非政府组织。这样一种团体在全球范围的兴起始于20世纪80年代,随着全球人口、贫困和环境问题的日益突出,人们发现仅仅依靠传统的政府和市场两级还无法解决人类的可持续发展问题,作为一种回应,NGO迅速成长并构成了社会新的一级。
  Among the NGO pioneers in early1980s, one active young female is Meng Weina – the founder of Hui Ling Service Institute for Disables. “I don’t attach too much on the gains and losses of money, but I value the reputation and fame a lot. Back then, I just wanted to gain my personal success.” recalling the original motivation of founding this organization, Meng Weina said frankly.
  Original Intention
  At the end of 1970s, the secluded China finally kicked the reform and opening prelude. When all sorts of new thoughts, new ideas and new things overwhelmingly came into China, Meng Weina still worked in a furniture factory in GuangZhou, writing blackboard newspapers and distributing welfare. Like all the other young people, she had a desire to be successful and strong compassion and enthusiasm to fulfill herself. Therefore, she not only participated in literature activities, publishing novels on newspapers and magazines, but also worked as a part-time reporter for a magazine in order to transcend reality and free her thought with the help of literature. However, tedious work cruelly pulled her back into reality. In depression, she happened to read an article on humanitarian spirit by Deng Pufang, the President of China Disabled Person’s Federation, and was deeply moved by that article. After thinking, Meng Weina decided to start her humanitarian cause -- serve for the recovery of the disabled and focus the clients on mentally handicapped. Interestingly, at that time, Meng Weina did not know clearly what humanitarian is, just thought that the cause done by the President of CDPF could not be wrong. She frankly admitted that it was not the spirit of helping others, but was an accidental chance that make her start this new path in her life and make her a pioneer in the grass-root NGO.   上世纪七十年代末,禁锢许久的中国终于拉开了改革开放的大序幕,当各种新思想、新观念、新事物扑面而来之时,孟维娜还局限在中国广州的某个家具厂过着写黑板报、发福利品的日子。像所有的年轻人一样,她也有着渴望成功、实现自我的强烈冲动和热情,她不仅积极参加文学活动,在报章、杂志上发表小说,还曾做过报社的兼职记者,目的就是借助文学之力跨越现实、让思想飞翔。只不过,枯燥乏味的工会工作却一再地将之拉回现实。苦闷中,中国残联主席邓朴方的一篇有关“人道主义精神”的文章让她为之一动。经过思考,孟维娜决定开始自己的“人道主义”事业——残疾人康复,并将服务人群锁定在了智障人士。有趣的是,当时的孟维娜对何为人道主义,并不是十分了解,只是觉得残联主席邓朴方在做这项事业,就肯定不会有错。对此,她也毫不讳言自己当初并非怀着“悬壶济世之心”进入NGO,但是命运的偶然性却开启了她新的人生之路,也使其成为了草根NGO先行者中的一员。
  Embryo Organization
  On the new year’s day of 1985, Meng Weina told several close friends of establishing a training school for retarded children and was laughed at by them. They thought her plan was unlikely to realize in reality. But her friends deny did not change Meng Weina’s decision. She went far away to Hong Kong to raise fund and technological help. God helps those who help themselves. In May, 1985, she finally acquired significant support from Caritas Hong Kong.
  Enrollment went on smoothly in Guangzhou, with hundreds of parents coming to enroll with their kids. With the help of the parents, charitable people, and Hong Kong charity organizations, the first special education school for retarded children under “foreign investigation” in Guangzhou, even in the whole China -- Guangzhou Zhiling School was born.
  Problems came with the operation of the special school. According to the suggestion of Hong Kong experts, it was best to limit the first group of students within 50, however, in consideration of the enormous applying kids and the pleading eyes of their parents, Meng Weina self-asserted to expand the enrollment to 96, most of whom were more severe retarded children than moderate. With the enlargement of enrollment, financial problem was getting worse. Realizing the difficulty of Meng Weina, parents of these retarded children donated money and food to the school to alleviate the problem.
  Besides, the lagging system is another problem being confronted with. In 1980s, China did not legislate any regulations or laws relevant to civilian-run social charity organization. Therefore, Zhiling was hard to be identified. For Zhiling’s identification, Meng Weina constantly dealt with different government departments, and even once quarreled with the executive mayor of Guangzhou. After going through all sorts of setbacks, Zhiling was finally registered in Education Bureau of Tianhe District of Guangzhou City.   除此之外,体制的滞后也是至灵需要面对的严峻问题。80年代的中国还没有任何与民办社会公益事业相关的法规政策,因此,超前诞生的至灵,性质始终无法确定,归口更是无据可循,成为了一个没有身份的“黑户”。为了“身份”问题,孟维娜不断“游说”政府部门,甚至在与主管市长面对面“交锋”后不欢而散。经多方努力,至灵最终于1986年10月在广州市天河区教育局完成了正式备案注册,结束了它长达一年的“私生子”生涯。
  After five to six years of fumbling, the first group of students was eventually about to graduate. There came a tougher problem – what the students should do, which in fact, should not be worried about by her. However, it was reassuring for her to enable these retarded one with some sort of proficiency. Therefore, in spite of the opposition of the Hong Kong cooperator, Meng Weina founded GuangZhou Huiling aiming to provide vocational training for older retarded people and granted 20 students' graduation from Zhiling once the training school started.
  In 2000, the 10th anniversary of Guangzhou Huiling, Meng Weina started a branch in Beijing, named it Beijing Huiling. In order to enhance the life quality of intellectual disabilities, she and one British Cooperator Ms Pei Lini sorted out a model of service: open-community and family fosterage.
  The open-community and family fosterage mean that through establishing an environment for intellectual disabilities to communicate with society and other people, these disabilities return to the mainstream society. Unlike traditional foster institutions, Beijing Huiling provides family accommodation service, with each family composed of full-time “mothers” and the disabilities. They take care of each other like family members. These special families often bring their members to participate in community activities, like being street safety guards, chatting with community members, selling newspapers etc. In the beginning, these activities were only restricted within their residing community. Then Meng Weina realized that community should be extended to include all sorts of public and communicative places. For the record of that, workers of Huiling tried to bring their students to different communities, cinemas, buses and KTV etc.
  所谓的社区开放式与家庭式寄养法,就是通过为智障人士建立一个与社会和人沟通的环境从而加强他们与外界的情感交流,帮助他们回归主流社会。与常人印象中院墙闭锁、与世隔绝的寄养机构不同的是,北京慧灵采取了家庭式住宿服务,每个家庭由专职“妈妈”和数位入住的智障人士组成,大家像普通家庭成员一样相互关照。这些“家庭”会时常安排学员走出去参加社区活动,如充当街道安全员,与街坊聊天,买卖报纸等。最开始,活动还仅限于居住地小区,慢慢地,孟维娜意识到所谓的社区还应当包括与人们生活相关的各种活动场所、交流空间。于是,慧灵的社工们开始尝试着带领学员走出小区,公园、电影院、公交车、KTV等等场所都曾活跃着他们的身影。   “To me, what the disabilities really need is not money. Those disabilities in my life do not keep clear concept of money. In fact, to them the most important thing is self-perception, the benefit of which is more obvious, especially in the vocational training process.” Meng Weina strongly recommended these new models of service and believed they could be applied into the operation of public organizations. However, because of the specialty of the intellectual disabilities, public organizations were reluctant to apply the new models, even though they would like to have a try. Ms Meng was quite helpless about that.
  Today Huiling has already been prosperous around China. Besides Guangzhou and Beijing, the new branches of Huiling in Xi’an, Xining, Tianjin, Qingyuan of Guangdong Province, Chongqing, Changsha, Lanzhou, Wanzhou of Chongqing, Shangluo of Shaanxi Province, Hong Kong and Hangzhou, begin to add to the ranks providing service for the disabilities and launching training for them.
  To describe the skill training of disabilities, Meng Weina said it was “not easy but satisfied”. At the beginning of Huiling, she did not know what kind of skills should be enabled these students with. With these confusions, she once again went to Hong Kong to learn from their experience. To her surprise, Ms Meng found that those disables were doing various jobs, and some of the jobs were highly dangerous like welders and fitters. Then she confidently returned to Guangzhou, but it turned out that many local limitations in Guangzhou, including workshop, supply of machines, restriction of policies, worries of parents etc. stepped on her way. After thinking over, she perfered service industry. Because it can cultivate the students’ artistic sentiment and can avoid the boringness of work in factories. Starting from service industry and developing gradually, Meng Weina summarized a valuable rule “adjusting the strategy to local conditions”. Huiling in different cities should orientate depending on local unique culture. At present, Beijing Huiling and Xi’an Huiling are more featured in orientation. According to Meng Weina, “these two cities have obvious advantage that can be fully used as international tourism cities”.   对于智障人士的技能培训,孟维娜用“不容易但很欣慰”来形容。她坦言,在广州慧灵始创之初,她自己也不清楚应该依据什么对这些学员进行技能培训,带着这些疑问她又一次踏上了香港取经之路。不看不知道,一看吓一跳。孟维娜眼前的智障人士们从事着各种各样的工作,着实令其不可思议的是,焊工、钳工等一些高危险性工种也囊括其中。信心满怀的孟维娜立即回到了广州,只不过,迎接她的却是广州本土的诸多限制,其中包括厂房、机器供应、政策约束、家长的忧虑等等。最后,经过深思熟虑,孟维娜将最初的职业培训定位为服务业,一来可以培养学员的艺术情操,二来可以免于枯燥乏味的工厂作业,自由发挥学员们的想象能力。就这样从服务业起步,逐渐扩展,十几年的探索让孟维娜再次总结出了一条宝贵经验——“因地制宜”,不同地区的慧灵要在自身独特地域文化的基础之上对职业培训的方向进行定位。目前来看,定位较为明显的是北京慧灵和西安慧灵,按照孟维娜的说法,“这两个国际旅游城市的优势显而易见,我们就要将之充分利用。”
  Artistic Beijing
  Beijing Huiling RGB base is deep in Yanle Hu Hong of Dongcheng District, which can date back to Ming Dynasty and is said to be music playing place for emperors. Now things are quite different from ancient times, but the sound of laughing, music playing and singing can always be heard. The sound is from RGB base. Unlike others hanging “no visiting”, Huiling always welcomes visitors. Sometimes international tourist groups come to visit. The students are quite enthusiastic to visitors. They perform magic show and hip-hop, teach foreigner calligraphy, sell handicrafts, and prepare tea and dessert etc.
  “We tried to know the strong points of each student beforehand and divided them into different groups based on their interests. We tried our best to avoid resistance of these students and increase their self-esteem. The purpose of their performance is not to gain sympathy from society using the disables. We want more to let these students present stories happened in Hutong and the unique feature of Beijing as normal persons. In addition, we hope the audience does not focus on the identity of these disables, but only on the shows. I think it’s much easier for these disables to integrate into the society by treating them equally.” She formed her own theory in training and educating the disables.
  In the days of no tasks, making handicrafts are their major work. In the RGB working studio displays various kinds of crafted items -- bracelets, necklaces, earrings, key buckles, calenders, greeting cards, Chinese calligraphy, note books printed with students art works etc. Wu liying, one experienced teacher here, has witnessed the whole process of originating, fumbling, developing and maturing. “Almost all the works are worked out by students and teachers together. In these years, we let the students use their imagination in art and it turns out that art is the correct way for them.”   在没有接待任务和胡同游的日子里,做手工是学员们的主要工作内容。三原色工作室里摆放着各式各样供义卖的手工艺品,手链、项链、耳坠、钥匙扣、台历、贺卡、中国字帖、画作、印有学员作品的日记本等等,应有尽有。吴丽英老师是这里的资深教员,曾经做过美术老师的她经历了北京慧灵从无到有、从青涩到成熟的整个过程。“这些作品基本上都是我们和学员一起琢磨出来的。这么多年,我们就选择在艺术上让他们发挥,实践证明艺术也最适合他们。”
  “Sister, can you tell me your name....and put it down here.” while the journalist was looking around the studio, one student was concentrating on her work and the notebook has been painted fully with calligraphy and colorful pictures. “Sister, you look at my drawing.” Just finishing the writing down of my name for one student, the journalist was asked to another table. “I can speak Sichuan dialect and Southeast dialect. And I learned quickly…” while listening to her, the journalist read over the notebook on her desk which is full of Southeast dialect slang and a joke of Sichuan dialect… “And my notebook….” another student came up.
  Multiple Guangzhou
  Different from specialized training in Beijing Huiling, Guangzhou Huiling is multiple. Now, Guangzhou Huiling has already developed from the “Huiling Training Center for Disabled Youth” into a comprehensive service institute with kindergarten, school, activity center, shelter workshop, fosterage center, Huiling farmland and family service development.
  According to Meng Weina, in terms of production of handicraft, the profit of annual exhibition by Guangzhou Huiling can reach upto 100,000 RMB and the fabrics are quite popular in the citizens. “Cutting the old clothes collected into strips, and then these students weave the strips into art works with their imagination, which can not only cut the cost, but also avoid the dull and boring work.”
  Huiling farmland is the newly developed project by Guangzhou working team. After reasonable planning, the mountainous farmland has been planted with various vegetables and fruit, not just the previous simplex kind of fruit. The students not only plant vegetables and fruit, but also are responsible for distribution of them to the surrounding restaurants. With the coming of the harvest season, large groups of tourists are overwhelming. These students have to rush off their feet to receive tourists and explain things around the farmland to them.   慧灵农场是广州团队研发出来的新项目,经过慧灵合理规划后的农场山地,改变了以往单一的果树品种,瓜果蔬菜样样齐全。智障学员不仅参与到前期蔬菜瓜果的种植,还承担着向周边餐厅配送食材的任务。到了采摘季节,一大批游客会慕名而来,这时候学员们更是忙得不可开交,要负责接待游客,同时还要承担相关的讲解任务。
  Guangzhou Huiling has another unbelievable project – renting bakery. The bakery is close to a foreign language university in Guangzhou, so the working team took advantage of this condition and separated a zone in the bakery for university students holding parties. The bread baked by these students gained approval from the public, which greatly enhanced their self-confidence. Besides, the coming of university students makes the bakery often full of laughter.
  “To our satisfaction, social attitudes to these intellectual disabilities have changed from indifference and discrimination gradually to sympathy and help. However, this is far from enough, what they really need is to be treated equally. They will be heartfelt happy if the customers come right for bread, not because of sympathy. I quite respect Mantanghong Company of Hong Kong for their equal treatment of intellectual disabilities.” When Mangtanghong Company knew that the special students in Guangzhou Huiling farmland share the task of distribution of elements to surrounding restaurants, it decided to consign part of material sending business to these students. Many people, even including Guangzhou Huiling working team cannot help worrying they may lose these important material. Mantanghong Company’s answer offer these students equal chances: losing material may happen on a normal person.
  Meng Weina told us, besides Beijing Huiling and Guangzhou Huiling, Huiling in other areas are also in growing and striving to provide more comprehensive services to intellectual disabilities. Through negotiation with local community, Xi’an Huiling contracted the task of cleaning of more than 20 buildings of some community. While doing the work of cleaning, these students got more chance to communicate with residents of the community, which achieved good results and was adopted by Huiling in other areas. Besides, Xi’an Huiling contracted the maintenance work of a park, but it had to be ended because of high risk of doing this job by intellectual disabilities.   据孟维娜介绍,除却北京和广州,其他地区的慧灵也都在不断拓展,力求把对智障人士的服务拓展得更加全面。西安慧灵通过同当地小区协商,承包下了某小区20多栋楼的清洁任务,学员们在干好本职清洁工作的同时,还增加了同社区居民交流的机会,取得了很好的效果,引得其他地区的慧灵也都纷纷效仿。除此之外,西安慧灵还曾承包过当地某个公园的维护工作,效果很好,但却无疾而终,公园管理层最后给出的理由是智障人士从事此项工作存在较大风险。
  “Those regulations and restrictions cannot disappear in a short time. But we are glad to notice the changes of the social atmosphere. Now we are full of help and energy.” said Meng Weina, softening her tone a little, then paused for a long time. Over the past 20 years, her life has never been separated from Huiling. She does not possess much noble sense of sacrifice. On the contrary, she just considers what she has been doing as an occupation, and a kind of habit.
  Now she is more than 50 years old, thin in figure but with wisdom and determination in her eyes. She prefers Chinese-style dresses and has her hair dyed like what the young women do. In the conversation with the journalist, she talked about the current affairs and said some famous quotes. We can only see her responsibility for and persistence in the cause, but never see her pursuing of fame, profit and personal success. “We will persist in it”, she said calmly.
  Actually, in the past two year, Beijing Huiling was indeed baffled by fund and identity. The external investment is reducing, and the internal profit model projects, like Hutong tour, reception of tourist groups, are limited in number. Besides, Beijing Huiling has not registered as a private-run non-enterprise unit in ten year since its operation, which also added unnecessary obstacles for its operation.
  Now Meng Weina and her team are trying to look for cooperators. They have tried to cooperate with more travel agencies to develop special tourism-charitable tourism, to enhance the profit of Hutong tour, but not too much travel agencies were willing to do that. For this record, we hope that we can find some enterprises, individuals to cooperate with them, not just for their persistence, but also for those out in the society in need of help.
  尽管如此,孟维娜和她的团队还是在积极寻找合作方。他们尝试与更多的旅行社接洽展开公益之旅的特色游,拓展胡同游收益,但愿意合作的旅行社并不多。在此,我们也希望能够通过自身的力量为他们找到一些愿意合作的企业、个人,不仅是为了他们心中的那份坚持,更为了那群需要我们整个社会都伸出援手去帮助的人!   After the interview, Meng Weina said goodbye and hurried to discuss with others about the relevant work of Huiling. Thinking of the countless hustling and bustling days and nights, the journalist felt reverence for her. The journalist was about to leave near noon. Opening the door, the journalist smelt food fragrance. Mr. Li Zhaohui, the teacher who has been busy since the journalist came here, said that the food is cooked by the students here and the menu keeps on updating every day. Staying longer, the journalist could not resist the delicious food. On the way of leaving, one student just came back and warmly shook hands with the journalist, and said “welcome you visit again!”
  After being covered by the fog-haze for several days, it’s finally a sunny day today. Good days are also expected for Huiling.
心理护理是指护理程序中,由护士通过各种方式和途径(包括应用心理学理论和技术),积极影响病人的心理活动,从而达到护理目标的心理治疗方法。护士要做到这点,必须对病人家庭环境、文化水平、生活习惯、病情变化、思想情绪等有所了解,在护理过程中采取疏泄、劝导、解释、安慰、暗示、保证等手段,并要因人而异、因势利导、有的放矢地进行心理护理。    1 建立良好的护患关系     心理护理需要通过护患之间良好的人际
产后出血的原因为:子宫收缩乏力、胎盘因素、软产道裂伤及凝血功能障碍,这些因素可相互影响。2004年11月至2008年11月在我科阴道分娩的产妇为2020例,产后出血68例。近年来,加强了对产后的护理,产后2h在产房内观察,正确记录了产后2h的出血量,为产后出血的早观察、早治疗、早抢救,赢得了时间,提高了抢救的成功率,降低了产后出血病死率。    1 资料与方法    1.1 临床资料   我院产科
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手术室空气消毒是保证手术间空气达标的重要步骤,也是我国手术感染管理中的常规工作。因此如何改善医院的空气质量,尤其对医院的特殊场所,如手术室重症监护等部门的空气净化,以控制医院内感染的发生是近年来尤为关注和研究的重要课题。现就手术室空气消毒方法的研究进展综述如下:    1 紫外线灯     紫外线灯是国内外常用的一种无毒、经济、方便、有效的空气消毒方法。安装方式以无罩悬空吊式最佳,照射30分钟至1