Should‘I’m Sorry’Let Officials off the Hook?

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myulyx
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  Saving face is something that isdeeply rooted in Chinese culture,and for over 5,000 years this con-cept has motivated and deter-mined the outcome of decisionsand behavior across the spectrum ofChinese society.
At the beginning of 2007, China’smost popular magazine Reader, orDu Zhe, launched a website, a mile-stone of development for the leisuremagazine that has been breakingrecords throughout its 26 years o
Since the 1990s, a growing number ofeconomic, institutional and political instru-ments have been introduced to deal with theenvironmental issue, including climatechange.
The Eco Balancing Act  Taking a relaxing tour of nationalparks, immersed in a wild anduntamed natural landscape, is apleasant but normal experience formost Americans.
The Chinese Government issued the11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10) forEthnic Minorities Affairs in lateMarch, 2007, the first of its kindsince the founding of the People’sRepublic in 1949.
In the Caofeidian port area of Tangshan,Hebei Province, a long road stretcheseastward to Bohai Bay. At the end ofthe road is a man-made island covering26 hectares.
Atotal of half a million volunteers areneeded to host the Olympic Gamesin China next year, but organizerswill still have to turn many peopleaway because of an enormous pub-lic response.
Most people would agreethat police are responsi-ble for ensuring that rob-bers and other criminalsare kept off the streetsand apprehended when they cross the line.
China has won recognition from theUnited Nations as it embraces its sta-res as one of the founding membersof the organization and a permanentmember of the Security Council.
Alarge-scale series of Chinese lan-guage textbooks are to be pub-lished in the coming years jointlyby the China InternationalPublishing Group (CIPG) and YaleUniversity, the first venture of this kind
If a question were asked of what China’s most important foreignrelations are, most Chinese would name Sino-American tiesamong their sure answers.