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一、听读数字游戏说明:听老师拍掌,根据拍掌的数量,说出相对应的英语单词。例如:老师拍了6下手掌,学生快速读出six。二、转盘游戏游戏说明:教师制作一个转盘,在转盘的最外圈写上数学,让学生转动转盘,转到哪一个数字就读出该数字的英语单词。三、趣味报数游戏说明:1.按顺序轮流报数,例如:1,2,3,4……2.按倒序的顺序报数,例如:20,19,18,17……3.按任意数的倍数报数,例如:按2的倍数 First, listen to the numbers Game Description: Listen to the teacher clap your hands, according to the number of claps, say the corresponding English words. For example: the teacher took 6 hands, students quickly read six. Second, the turntable game Game Description: Teachers make a turntable, the outermost circle in the turntable to write math, so that students turn the turntable, go to which number read out the number of English words. Third, the fun reported number of reports: 1. According to the order of rotation reported, for example: 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... 2, reported in reverse order, for example: 20,19,18,17 ... Any number of times reported, for example: a multiple of 2
教学过程一、读前——聚焦主题,激发兴趣Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls!How are you?S:I’m fine,thank you.T:And we’ll read a story.Do you like stories?It
教学过程Step 1.Warming up(略)Step 2.Presentation(略)Step 3.Story time1.Watch and tick T:Do you want to know something more about Chinese festivals?Watch the car
一、教材简析本单元是复习单元。以Mike’s happy days为主线,以Mike的视角描述在农场度过的八天生活:A beautiful farm,Farmers’market,Life on the farm,Mike’s days on
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