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目的调查新疆疏附县基层医务人员对男童外生殖器畸形的认知及筛查能力,为制定新疆少数民族地区医务人员培训计划提供数据支持。方法采用自行设计的问卷调查表,对新疆疏附县人民医院、乡卫生院及村医进行问卷调查,确定其对男童外生殖器畸形的认知程度。采用SPSS 13.0进行数据分析,比较维、汉两族医务人员的认知差异。结果发放调查问卷400份,收回有效问卷365份,占91.25%。调查发现,新疆疏附县基层医务人员对外生殖器畸形相关知识认知正确率超50%的占参与问卷调查的54.79%。其中男性21.92%,女性32.87%。汉族医务人员对外生殖器畸形相关知识认知正确率超50%的占参与问卷调查的汉族医务人员50%,维族约57.40%,统计分析显示差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);有关外生殖器畸形相关知识获取途径中,未参加相关知识培训占61.64%,参加过培训者38.36%;在临床实践中主动筛查新生儿外生殖器畸形者86.30%,发现外生殖器畸形病例者27.39%。结论新疆疏附县基层医务人员普遍缺乏男童外生殖器畸形相关诊疗知识,在实际工作中发现并恰当处置此类疾病的能力亦相对欠缺。因此提高新疆少数民族地区基层医务人员对男童外生殖器畸形的诊断和治疗能力非常必要。 Objective To investigate the cognition and screening ability of primary medical staffs in the area of ​​Sushu County in Xinjiang for genital malformations and provide data support for the development of medical personnel training programs in ethnic minority areas of Xinjiang. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey the people’s hospital of Shufu County, township hospitals and village doctors in Xinjiang to determine their cognition of male genital malformations. SPSS 13.0 was used to analyze the data and to compare the cognitive differences between the two groups. Results 400 questionnaires were distributed and 365 valid questionnaires were withdrawn, accounting for 91.25% of the total. The survey found that grass-roots medical workers in Shufu County, Xinjiang external genital abnormalities related knowledge of cognitive accuracy over 50% accounted for 54.79% of the questionnaire. Among them, 21.92% were males and 32.87% were females. Han Chinese medical staff external genital abnormalities related knowledge of cognitive accuracy over 50% of the surveyed Han medical staff 50%, Uygur about 57.40%, statistical analysis showed no significant difference (P <0.05); related genital malformations Among the ways of obtaining relevant knowledge, 61.64% of them did not participate in relevant knowledge training and 38.36% of them participated in trainers. In clinical practice, 86.30% of new genital malformations were abnormally found, and 27.39% of them were found malformations of external genitalia. Conclusions The basic medical staffs in Shufu County of Xinjiang Province generally lack the knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of genital malformations among boys and their abilities to find and properly dispose of such diseases are also lacking in practical work. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the ability of primary medical staffs in ethnic minority areas of Xinjiang to diagnose and treat genital malformations in boys.
目的:探讨中西医结合治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效。方法:收集本科室2010年10月至2012年10月治疗的复发性口腔溃疡患者80例,按随机数字表分为对照组( n=40)与治疗组( n=40)。对照组