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一般而言弱势群体权利保障能力不足,缺乏足够的话语权,难以影响权利初始分配,享有的权利容易受到侵犯,欠缺必要的救济手段,从公法层面加强救济,符合公平正义的法治精神。当前公法救济体系还存在诸多不足,未能达到预期效果:如缺乏专门法律落实宪法相关条文,无行政救济实体法救济程序繁琐,刑事立法未充分考虑救济的复杂性,公法救济模式相互独立缺乏衔接等。构建完善的公法救济体系,应着重从以下方面逐步优化:制定专门救济法律以实践宪法规定,完善行政立法简化行政救济程序,厘清救济的特殊性强化刑法救济,加快融合形成整全的公法救济体系等。唯有如此,才能共同铸造权利保护之网,改善弱势群体权利救济不足的现状。 In general, the vulnerable groups have insufficient rights to protect their rights, lack of sufficient discourse power, difficulty in influencing the initial distribution of rights, their rights being easily infringed, and lacking the necessary means of relief so as to enhance relief from the level of public law and conform to the spirit of the rule of law in fairness and justice. There are still many deficiencies in the current system of public assistance and fail to achieve the desired results. For example, the lack of specialized laws to implement the relevant articles of the Constitution, the complicated relief procedures without the substantive law of administrative relief, the incompleteness of remedies in criminal legislation, and the lack of co-ordination between public and private remedies Wait. To establish a perfect relief system for public law should be gradually optimized from the following aspects: formulating special relief laws to practice the constitutional provisions, perfecting administrative legislation, simplifying administrative relief procedures, clarifying the particularity of relief, strengthening the relief of criminal law, and accelerating the integration to form a complete public relief system Wait. Only in this way can we jointly create a net for the protection of rights and improve the situation of the under-relief of the rights of vulnerable groups.
<正> 关于文责自负要不要盖章,许多同志发表了不同的意见。在此,仅谈一点个人的看法和建议。首先,我认为《新闻知识》第一期上王清平、彭安怀和第四期上李小友同志的意见值得
<正> 编辑同志: 《新闻知识》1987年第1期刚好在春节前出刊,趁着走亲戚空闲的几天,我仔细阅读了几遍,并和周围同行交换了意见,简评如下: 优点: 一、设立的“通讯员鼓劲台”好
<正> 近几年来,“强人”成了报刊、电视上的时髦字眼。既可看到《女强人》、《初春时节访强人》之类的标题,又可见到和听到“他是厂里的强人”、“而对这位精明干练的强人”
一个大“○” 1981年8月14日,我正整装待发,准备参加华北军事演习的报道,下午报社领导突然通知我留下来,采访刚刚驾机起义的台湾国民党空军少校飞行考核官黄植诚,并明确要求:
<正> 宝鸡报社: 关于《新闻知识》杂志1987年第2期刊登的《编辑改稿勿改原意》一稿,纯属失实。当时,我为了完成上稿任务,没有想到刊登后给贵报造成的恶果。如此做法,严重违背