我院1987年在科研工作上取得了很大成绩,通过技术鉴定的科研成果有: 1.计算机辅助造林设计系统 该成果选题新颖、国内外尚未报导,理论基础扎实,方法正确,手段先进,功能多,有广泛的使用价值和现实意义。该系统的研究成功,开辟了传统造林设计方法的新途径,提高造林设计质量和决策水平,填补了我国计算机在造林设计应用上的空白,居国内领先地位,接近国外同类项目水平。 2.YH2.5油锯降噪 装有新型消声器的YH2.5油锯,其耳旁噪声由原来的106dB(A)降到97dB(A),消声效
Our hospital made great achievements in scientific research in 1987. The results of scientific research that passed the technical appraisal are as follows: 1. Computer-aided afforestation design system The results of the selection of topics new, not yet reported at home and abroad, a solid theoretical foundation, the method is correct, advanced means, Multi-function, has a wide range of use value and practical significance. The success of this system has opened up new avenues for traditional afforestation design methods and improved the afforestation design quality and decision-making level. It has filled the gap of afforestation design and application in our country and has taken the lead in China and close to the level of similar foreign projects. 2.YH2.5 Chainsaw noise reduction YH2.5 chain saw with a new muffler, the ear noise from the original 106dB (A) down to 97dB (A), noise reduction effect