Title: A planet orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit. The distance from the sun to the sun is a. The distance from the sun to the sun is b. The planet’s velocity at the nearest point is v_a. The planet’s rate at the far day point is: (1) V_b=b/av_a; (2) v_b=(b/a)~(2/1)v_a; (3)v_b=(a/b)~(2/1)v_a; (4)v_b=(a/ b) ~(2/1)v_a. Common Mistakes Answer: The planet is only subject to the sun’s gravitational force during its operation. Gravity provides the centripetal force required for circular motion, that is, G(Mm)/(R~2)=m(V~2)/R where M and m are respectively For the quality of the sun and planets. In recent days there are