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  Diary Last Night
  Oct. 7, Saturday
  Last night was SO 1)embarrassing!My coffee shop friend asked if I wanted to meet somewhere for a dinner, and I agreed.When I got there, ①a girl “friend”of his showed up.And believe me, she was NOT a friend.
  All through dinner, she was petting him, laughing LOUDLY, 2)flirting with him, and basically 3)ignoring me.②I saw her looking at me out of the corner of her eye.I know exactly what she was doing——③4) staking her claim! She did NOT like me at all!Trust me, she was in full, 5)catty girl mode!
  ④I could have crawled under the table and died.
  She kept saying things like “oh, you're so funny!”and “we should do that!? When she DID talk to me, she treated me like a five-year-old!⑤I couldn't stand her!
  He's a great guy; ⑥I enjoy hanging out with him.But I do NOT want to be the third party on one of his dates!(which is exactly what it was!)
  I forgot to ask him to go with me to the theme park!⑦My luck,that girl—“just a friend of his友would 6)tag along.If she didn't, ⑧I know that she would be 7)jealous of me taking up his time!
  Anyway, he won't be back to L.A. until Sunday, and Sunday I'm going over to my cousin's house to hang out—thank goodness!
  在吃饭的时候,她不时地抚摸他,放肆地大笑,还和他打情骂俏,根本当我透明。我发现她斜眼望着我,我马上清楚她在做什么了—宣称他归她所有! 她压根儿不喜欢我!信我吧,她完完全全就是一副刻薄恶毒的样子!
  她一直在说些“噢,你真有趣! ”或者“我们真应该那样做! ”之类的话。 当她难得和我说说话的时候,她简直把我当作一个5岁的小孩子!我再也不能忍受她了。
  我竟然忘记邀请他和我一起去主题公园了! 幸好没有,要不他那个所谓的“普通朋友”肯定要跟着一块儿去。即使她不去的话,我想她也会妒火中烧,恨我占了他的时间。
  Smart Sentences
  1.A girl “friend”of his showed up.他的一位女性“朋友”出现了。
   词组show up的意思是“出现,露面”,常在口语中使用,例如当别人问你:Will you come to my party?
  (你会参加我的派对吗?)你就可以说:Sure. I’ll show up. (当然,我会去。)
  2 . I saw her looking at me out of the corner of her eye. 我发现她斜眼望着我。
   词组out ofthe corner of one’s eye是指“瞟、睨视”,也含有随意地或偷偷地斜眼看的意思。 例如:
  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dog running towards her.(她不经意瞟到那只狗正朝她奔过来。)
  3. staking her claim!宣称他归她所有!
  短语stake one’s claim的意思是“宣称某物为自己所有”,例如:Both countries staked a claim to the islands.(两个国家都宣称那些岛屿归其所有),更常见的用法是声称与某人或某事物有特殊关联,提出对其的所有权,例如:Several clubs have already staked their claim to this outstanding young footballer. (有几个足球俱乐部都表示这名年轻的足球健将是他们的人)。
  4. I could have crawled under the table and died. 我差点就钻到桌子底下,难为情得要死掉算了。
  5. I couldn't stand her. 我再也不能忍受她了。
  动词stand 在这里是表示忍受某人或某事物,意思相同的词组还有put up with sb., bear sb. 这些词组通常都是与 can’t 连用的,例如在某部电视剧里有如下对白:
  Livia: You must marry Tiberius! 利维亚:你要嫁给泰比里厄斯!
  Julia: I can’t stand your horrid son! 朱莉娅:我受不了你那个讨厌的儿子!
  can’t stand 后除了接人和事物之外,还有以下一些灵活的用法。1) 不能忍受自己或其他人做某事。例如:Lily can’t stand working in an office.(Lily 最讨厌在办公室工作)2)接受不了某种想法或可能性。例如: I can’t stand the thought of leaving David.(离开大卫这个念头我想都不愿意去想。)
  6. I enjoy hanging out with him.我很喜欢和他一起。
  口语中常用到hang out这个动词词组,意思是与某人经常呆在一起或者在某地流连很久。例如: I don’t really know who she hangs out with.(我不太知道她和谁一起。)Where do the youngsters hang out?(年轻人去哪里消遣的?)同理, hang out 也可以变成名词的hangout , 指常被人流连光顾的地方,例如: The bar is a favorite hangout for students. (这个酒吧是学生们喜欢光顾的地方。)
  7. My luck. 幸好
  这是口语中的省略用法,完整的句子是: That was really my luck.
  8. She would be jealous of me taking up his time. 我想她也会妒火中烧,恨我占了他的时间。
  首先, be jealous ofsth / sb.是指嫉妒某事或某人,例如: Why are you so jealous of his success?(你为什么这么嫉妒他的成功?)注意jealous 只和of 搭配,而且of后面的动词要加ing。动词词组take up 是指填满或占据某些时间或空间,例如:This table takes up too much room. (这张桌子太占地方了。)又如:Her time is fully taken up with writing. (她的时间都用于写作了。)

What's for Spring Prom?   Sue: Hello, Berry residence, this is Sue speaking.  Joan: Hi Sue, it’s Joan. What are you doing tomorrow?  Sue: My mom would say I’ll be doing homework, but I don’t have anyt
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That's settled.  From the movie King Kong 选自电影《金刚》   剧情简介:漂亮的女演员安·黛露饥肠辘辘,在纽约街头偷拿商贩水果充饥而被人抓住,恰被电影制作人卡尔撞见为其解围。卡尔正为女主演跑掉了而焦头烂额,此时一眼相中安正是顶替的最佳人选,于是试图说服安参演他的冒险电影。殊不知,对这位洁身自好的女演员来说,最大的诱惑不是名利,而是……    Carl De
Scene 4: From the TV drama The Office  Boss: Pam, Pam,…could you come in here for a sec? ①Just have a seat I was gonna call you in anyway. Uhm, as you know…here’s going to be 1)downsizing. And, uh, yo
动词是英语的灵魂,同一个动词都会有不同的解释,当动词遇上各种不同的介词、名词,就会产生出更多意思。在“小词大义”里,每次都会给大家介绍一个动词,以及它们的主要搭配介词,带给大家更多简单而实用的用法。上看下看,前看后看,原来每个look都不简单。今天就让我们一起来看看“look”这个动词吧!    Lookfor More   上看下看  Look up to 尊重或敬仰某人。  He’s the
Part 2:Descriptive Presentation  上一期我们为大家讲解了How to Start a Presentation (如何开始一场讲解),其实呢,Presentation根据不同的目的是可以分好多种,这一期我们就一起来看看在我们日常工作经常会用到的一种—描述性讲解。与其它的讲解不同,描述性讲解就只是向听众传达一些真实的信息,让他们做出合理的抉择。    本期我们将从以下
有没过这样的经历?等在异国他乡陌生的站台,来来往往的城市 公车究竟哪一辆是我要等的呢?如果赶时间的话就更糟啦分分秒秒就在等待中逝去,但是如果学到我们这期的一些有用的表达,你就能够简单找到你要去的地方。
Aschen: I'm a poor birdie with no legs. Living in this city far away from my parents and brother, I need to rent a home and move around a lot. But I enjoy this feeling as one of the bird people clan. 