
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scsnlaosi
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刚入园的小班幼儿动作不协调,有的走不稳,有的不会跑,有的跳不起来,碰撞摔倒现象时有发生。面对这样情况,我觉得老师一味地保护是消极的,应该找到一种有效的方法,使小班幼儿尽快学会自己保护自己。我分析了本班幼儿走、跑情况,发现有的幼儿很少摔倒,而有的幼儿却经常摔倒。为了更好地了解幼儿情况,我在日常生活和游戏活动中有意识地观察幼儿的走、跑、平衡、跳等活动,发现大部分幼儿如同日本筑波大学副教授松厚达哉所指出的那样:“掌握了步行能力的三岁儿童,其运动神精已发展起来,基本形成了全身的平衡能力。可以自由地活动自己的身体,想要做些复杂的动作……”少数幼儿运动能力较差,究其原因是孩子在外婆或奶奶身边长大,老人的细心照顾使 Young children who have just started to park in small classes are uncoordinated, some go unsteadily, some can not run, others can not jump, and collisions fall down from time to time. Faced with such a situation, I think the teacher’s blind protection is a negative one. One should find an effective way to help young children learn to protect themselves as soon as possible. I analyzed the walking and running conditions of our children and found that some children rarely fell and some children often fell. In order to better understand the situation of young children, I consciously observed the activities of walking, balancing, jumping and other activities in daily life and game activities and found that most of the children, as pointed out by Associate Professor Matsuda Damascus, University of Tsukuba, Japan, said: Mastering the ability to walk three-year-old children, the movement of fine has been developed, the basic form of the body’s balance ability to be free to move their bodies, you want to do some complex moves ... ... "A few children with poor athletic ability, The reason is that children grow up in the grandmother or grandmother, the elderly take good care of
1.“区长”负责制 在活动区活动时,当教师重点指导某一活动区时,别的区经常会有乱子发生。我认为,中、大班的孩子已有一定的自我管理能力,可以在活动前,让孩子们选出一位大
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1 前言 邯钢4号高炉大修扩容后,炉容由620m~3扩大到900m~3。大修扩容后的高炉采用无钟炉顶,设有18个风口,1个铁口,2个渣口。4号高炉于1997年7月2日投产,投产初期炉况顺行,各