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《建国以来周恩来文稿》第3册有多篇文稿涉及抗美援朝战争,清晰地展现了周恩来在抗美援朝战争决策和战争第一年中所付出的心血和重要贡献:朝鲜战争爆发后,代表中国政府迅速作出外交反应,此后又在着手开展应战准备的同时,不断通过多种外交途径与美国当局和有关方面沟通,表达赞成“和平调处”朝鲜战争的意见;领导组建东北边防军、加强东北边防的工作,为之后志愿军入朝作战作了关键准备;中国人民志愿军入朝作战前,代表中共中央赴苏联协商援助问题,并多次与苏方沟通,争取到了苏方的援助和支持;当1950年底联合国通过印度等13国提出的停火议案时,同毛泽东一起,在表达和平愿望的同时,识破美国以停战为幌子争取喘息之机的战略企图,作出拒绝接受停战议案的决策。 The third volume of Zhou Enlai’s Manuscript since the Founding of PRC, Volume 3, contains many articles on the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and clearly shows Zhou Enlai’s efforts and important contributions in the policy-making and war years of the War to Resist America and the Aid Korea. After the outbreak of the Korean War, he represented the Chinese government promptly Diplomatic reaction. Since then, he has also started to conduct preparations for fighting for the war and has been continuously communicating with the U.S. authorities and relevant parties through various diplomatic channels to express his opinions in favor of the “peace mediation” and the Korean War. He led the formation of the Northeast Frontier Defense Forces and the Northeast Frontier Defense The work of the Chinese People’s Volunteers made key preparations for the operation of the volunteer army in the DPRK. Before the Chinese People’s Volunteers entered the operation, they represented the CPC Central Committee on behalf of the Soviet Union and consulted with the Soviet Union on many occasions to win the aid and support of the Soviet Union. When the end of 1950 When the United Nations passed the cease-fire proposal put forward by 13 other countries, such as India, together with Mao Zedong, while expressing his desire for peace, he also broke through the strategic attempt of the United States to seek a respite by using the armistice as a breathing space and made a decision to refuse to accept the truce motion.
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