盛世藏珍 国家珍贵文物征集成果展

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China has launched a special exhibition at the National Museum on June 5 to mark the first “cultural heritage day” of China. It is scheduled to end on July 5. The exhibits have been selected from among about 100 pieces that can best demonstrate the marked achievements in the pro- tection of cultural relics in recent years, espe- cially the achievements in soliciting the best of cultural relics rescued with the support of the Ministryo fF inance. China has launched a special exhibition at the National Museum on June 5 to mark the first “cultural heritage day ” of China. It is scheduled to end on July 5. The exhibits have been selected from among about 100 pieces that best can demonstrate the marked achievements in the pro-tection of cultural relics in recent years, espe- cially the achievements in soliciting the best of cultural relics rescued with the support of the Ministry of fF inance.
美登木(Maytenus hookeri Loes)及密花美登木(M.confertiflorus J.Y.Lo et C.Y.Cheng)的茎和叶含有抗癌成分美登碱(Maytensine),目前用为提取生物碱的原料。 作者研究了这两
扁桃叶(Mangifera Silvatica Roxb.)与杧果(Mangifera indica L.)为同科同属植物,皆含有镇咳、祛痰作用的杧果甙。杧果叶煎剂的镇咳、祛痰作用已为动物实验及临床治疗所证明
柿叶提取物能改善心脏泵功能,降低心肌耗氧量,增加冠脉流量,改善全身血液循环,对冠心病心绞痛有一定的治疗意义。 Persimmon leaf extract can improve heart pump function