A study on the exchange additivity of zinc in solid mixtures in seawater-Ⅰ. Exchange additivity of m

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luxiliang
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-Exchange additivity of binary mixtures of hydrous metal oxides and clay minerals has been studied by investigating the relations of the zinc exchange-pH and the zinc partition coefficients to mixtures. The additive exchange equation is proposed to describe the exchange-pH relationship. The results suggest that zinc exchanges on the components in amorphous iron oxide/montmorrillonite, kaolinite/montmorrillonite, γ-A100H/montmorrillonite, amorphous iron oxide/illite mixtures are additive. But the exchange ofδ-MnO2/montmorrillonite is much less than its additive exchange. It is also shown that in the case of additive exchange the exchange parameters (Kmix{SOH}Tmix) of the mixtures are equal in weight to the sum of those of each component of the solid mixtures. -Exchange additivity of binary mixtures of hydrous metal oxides and clay minerals has been studied by investigating the relations of the zinc exchange-pH and the zinc partition coefficients to mixtures. The additive exchange equation is presented to describe the exchange-pH relationship. The results suggests that zinc exchanges on the components in amorphous iron oxide / montmorrillonite, kaolinite / montmorrillonite, γ-A100H / montmorrillonite, amorphous iron oxide / illite mixtures are additive. But the exchange of δ-MnO2 / montmorrillonite is much less than its additive exchange. It is also shown in the case of additive exchange the exchange parameters (Kmix {SOH} Tmix) of the mixtures are equal in weight to the sum of those of each component of the solid mixtures.
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