Real-time Life-cycle Modular Design Method Based on Game Theory for Jack-up

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gailuen
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To study an entity the entire jack-up performs as a total system with close interdependency and high level of integration of a myriad of subsystems supporting each individual function.All subsystems should be arranged in regular geometric space with clear regional division according to their respective functions.The “building block”such as arrangement makes it feasible to apply modular design method while the integration and conflicts among subsystems offer an arena for game theoretic analysis.All the contradictions between subsystems should be resolved bye the designer.Here we present a game theoretic analysis methodology,which based on the basic principles of game theory,through the establishment of matrix-mode game models to describe and analyze engineering design tasks.By using this method the optimization process in various fields of expertise can be effectively coordinated and controlled,and the parallel design patterns can be achieved to some extent.Taking account of the impact of commercial or technical activities in platform’s life cycle,time line is considered in the early stage of design process which provides more convenience for effcient upgrade and reconfiguration.Some second-hand three-legged jack-up upgrade design process is used as an example to illustrate the utility of the method. To study an entity the entire jack-up performs as a total system with close interdependency and high level of integration of a myriad of subsystems supporting each individual function. All subsystems should be arranged in regular geometric space with clear regional division according to its each functions. "such as arrangement makes it feasible to apply modular design method while the integration and conflicts among subsystems offer an are for game theoretic analysis. All the contradictions between subsystems should be resolved bye the designer. Here we present a game theoretic analysis methodology, which based on the basic principles of game theory, through the establishment of matrix-mode game models to describe and analyze engineering design tasks. By using the method of the optimization process in various fields of expertise can be effectively coordinated and controlled, and the parallel design patterns can be achieved to some extent the impact of commercial or technical activities in platform’s life cycle, time line is considered in the early stage of design process which provides more convenience for effcient upgrade and reconfiguration.Some second-hand three-legged jack-up upgrade design process is used as an example to illustrate the utility of the method.
摘 要:随着城市化进程的不断发展,城市给排水管道施工安全技术要求越来越严密,越来越先进。只有加强高科技的施工技术,才能较好地完成排水管道的施工任务。  关键词:市政工程;给排水;施工技术  中图分类号: S276 文献标识码: A   随着经济的快速发展,城市化发展进入了飞速发展的时期,给排水工程作为市政工程中最重要的组成部分,其工程的质量越来越受到人们的关注。市政给排水工程其施工工序并不是很繁锁
摘要:湿陷性黄土地基是一种常见的特殊性质地基。在工程建设中对湿陷性黄土地基的处理具有不同方法。本文根据实际工程建设,分析了湿陷性黄土常用的地基处理办法,对湿陷性黄土地基处理后容易出现的问题进行了探讨,提出了解决措施。  关键词:湿陷性黄土 问题措施  中图分类号: TU4文献标识码: A    一黄土及湿陷性黄图分布及概述  黄土作为一种常见的工程地基,在世界各地分布很广,面积达1300万km2,
摘要:事实验证,商务楼、办公楼、及综合楼等以租赁与销售相结合开发模式的高层建筑,其一次安装都不完全到位,都给二次装修留下设计完善空间,且能节约大量成本。特别电气安装,一般都安排到二次装修进行,比起主体工程里预埋,利大于弊。为此提出一次安装的”合理”原则。但必须对工程的具体情况进行具体分析。  关键词:一次设计;一次安装;”合理”原则;前瞻性;适用性;二次装修设计;规划功能  中图分类号: S611
摘要:作为近代科学产物的幕墙,在具体建筑之中有着十分重要的作用,通过具体的应用可以发现,建筑幕墙比较容易遭到火灾以及雷击。本文主要论述了建筑幕墙的防火以及防雷设计。  关键词:建筑幕墙;防火;防雷  中图分类号:TU198 文献标识码: A  引言  建筑幕墙主要是通过金属构架以及面材构成,不承担主体结构荷载的建筑外围护结构。技术发展较成熟的建筑幕墙种类有玻璃幕墙、金属幕墙以及石材幕墙。现在发展得
摘要: 护岸工程是河道治理工程中的重要组成部分,传统的护岸结构对河道生态环境及景观性造成很多的不利影响。因此,采取有利于河道安全性、生態性、景观性的护岸结构是河道治理的趋势。本文首先分析了传统河道护岸结构存在的问题,分析了河道护岸设计的原则,并总结了几种不同环境下适合采用的护岸结构型式。  关键词:河道; 护岸结构 ;生态; 安全; 景观  中图分类号:TV85文献标识码:A    前言  长期以
摘要:水利工程建设项目有投资规模大,投资周期长等特点。因此,对水利工程项目建设资金严格控制是建设资金使用严格、规范、科学、合理的重要保证。本文主要对水利工程管理中造价控制进行分析,从决策到竣工阶段,每一个环节都进行造价控制,从而保证水利工程实现经济效益。  关键词:水利工程;造价控制;管理  中图分类号: TV 文献标识码: A   引言  水利工程造价的控制周期比较长,所涉及到的因素比较多。设计
摘要:电气工程是智能建筑的主要组成部分,电气自动化安装质量关系着后期建筑的正常使用。为了让建筑物的使用性能得到充分发挥,施工单位对智能建筑电气工程采用了多项调控措施,由此提出了建筑电气工程自动化设计的理念。对于智能建筑设计改造存在的问题,文章提出了电气工程自动化状态维修的理念,以指导设计多元化的监测、控制方案,保证建筑电气系统及设备持续发挥良好的作用和性能。  关键词:建筑;电气工程;状态监测、控