Puzzles and Riddles

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1. Two men were standing facing in opposite directions. Yet each one could see the other without turning round. How was that possible? 2. What has four legs and a back but cannot walk or move on its own 1. Two men were standing facing in opposite directions. Yet each one could see the other without turning round. How was that possible? 2. What has four legs and a back but cannot walk or move on its own 1. Two men were standing facing in opposite directions. Yet each one could see the other without turning round. How was that possible? 2. What has four legs and a back but cannot walk or move on its own 1. Two men were standing Facing in opposite directions. Yet each one could see the other without turning round. How was that possible? 2. What has four legs and a back but cannot walk or move on its own
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比尔·盖茨的兴趣作为世界首富,比尔·盖茨是公认会赚钱的人。这个戴着眼镜、一副小技术员形象的人,从20岁左右弃学创办公司开始,给人的印象就是在“玩电脑”。 Bill Gates
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几年前他成功研制了国际上首台数控重渣油燃烧器,使得燃烧器功能发生了革命性的变化;现在他旗下的ZZR在高档燃油燃烧器市场上已是绝对主角,也让他的梦想变成了现实。 A few