Reliability Analysis of Ice-Induced Fatigue and Damage in Offshore Engineering Structures

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiufeng115
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—In Bohai Gulf,offshore and other installations have collapsed by sea ice due to the fatigueand fracture of the main supporting components in the ice environments.In this paper presented are someresults on fatigue reliability of these structures in the Gulf by investigating the distributions of iceparameters such as its floating direction and speed,sheet thickness,compressive strength,ice forces on thestructures,and hot spot stress in the structure.The low temperature,ice breaking modes and componentfatigue failure modes are also taken into account in the analysis of the fatigue reliability of the offshorestructures experiencing both random ice loading and low temperatures.The results could be applied to thedesign and operation of offshore platforms in the Bohai Gulf. -In Bohai Gulf, offshore and other installations have collapsed by sea ice due to the fatigue and fracture of the main supporting components in the ice environments. This paper presented are someresults on fatigue reliability of these structures in the Gulf by investigating the distributions of iceparameters such as its its floating direction and speed, sheet thickness, compressive strength, ice forces on thestructures, and hot spot stress in the structure.The low temperature, ice breaking modes and componentfatigue failure modes are also taken into account in the analysis of the fatigue of the offshorestructures experiencing both random ice loading and low temperatures.The results could be applied to thedesign and operation of offshore platforms in the Bohai Gulf.
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