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进化是一个普遍事实,地球生物系统进化到出现人类以后,即已达其完美与顶峰,虽然进化这一事实仍然存在,但再也无法出现超越人的新物种,人类进化再也不是遗传因素了,这是地球生物进化的终止。然而进化并不会因为人的出现而终止,人的进化伴随人类文化的发展主要不是生理的或体质人类学的,而是思维、语言符号,社会——文化的进化,即人与文化“机能整合进化”,而“机能整合进化”所内蕴的也就是文化精神的进化,所以人类的出现同时开辟了自然界没有的新的进化道路,这正是人的伟大,也是人类价值的底蕴。 Evolution is a universal fact that after the evolution of the Earth’s biological system to humans, it has reached its perfection and its peak. Although the fact of evolution still exists, no new species beyond human beings can emerge and human evolution is no longer a genetic factor This is the termination of the evolution of the earth’s biology. However, evolution does not end with the emergence of human beings. Evolution of human beings accompanied by the development of human culture is not mainly physical or physical anthropology, but thinking, linguistic signs, social-cultural evolution, that is, human and cultural functions Integration and evolution “, and” function integration and evolution "is inherent in the evolution of cultural spirit, so the emergence of mankind at the same time opened up a new evolutionary path not found in nature, which is the greatness of mankind and the foundation of human values.
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大学毕业后,我在报上看到一家著名的企业招聘销售主管,便前去应聘。  来到现场,我看到已经有一百多人在那里排队。我打听到他们以前都做过销售业务,有的还是业务经理级别的,只有我一个人什么经验都没有。我感觉到自己的希望很渺小,想打退堂鼓。但转而一想,既然来了,就应该尝试一下。于是我耐心地和他们一起站在那里等待主考官前来面试。经过一番面谈,最后有5人通过面试,我竟幸运地成为了5人之中的一个。主考官看着我们
目的 探讨不同类型乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)相关性肝病患者外周血中Th17表达以及与HBV相关性肝病的关系.方法 流式细胞仪检测93例HBV相关性肝病患者(包括慢性肝炎21例,肝硬化21例,
Mental imagery generation is essential in the retrieval and storage of knowledge.Previous studies have indicated that the holistic properties of mental imagery
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