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一、词不离句深入讲:我们讲解英语单词时,切忌孤立地解释单词意思,这样同学不但难以掌握,而且容易遗忘。应结合课文句子讲解单词,使学生了解这个词怎样用,与其他同义词在用法上有何区别。如高中英语课本第五课有这样一句话:To do that it must find a place where it can keep fairly warm, and it must be a place where its enemies cannot find it. 第七课:Like many scientists, Einstein loved music, and he was a fairly good violinist.这两句里都有fairly这个词,它的中文意思是“相当”。我向学生讲解这个词的用法: First, the word does not leave the sentence to speak in depth: When we explain English words, we should not explain the meaning of the word in isolation, so that the students are not only difficult to grasp, but also easy to forget. The words should be explained in conjunction with the text sentence so that students can understand how the word is used and how it differs from other synonyms. Such as the high school English textbook Lesson 5, there is such a sentence: To do that it must find a place where it can keep balanced warm, and it must be a place where its enemies cannot find it. Lesson 7: Like many scientists, Einstein loved There is a word fairly in both sentences. Its Chinese meaning is “comparable.” I explain to students the usage of this word:
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【本刊2007年7月综合报道】为在芬兰建设新核电厂,包括芬兰电力供应商E.ON Suomi公司(欧洲第二大核电运营商德国E.ON Kernkraft公司在芬兰的子公司)在内的5家工业与能源公司
当前,英语教学中有两个问题值得注意,特提出来和同志们商讨。 一、学生掌握的词汇量太少。由于词汇量少,学生阅读理解的能力以及翻译、读、听、说的能力都受到影响。在考试
在语文课堂教学结构改革的实践中,我进行了小学语文分单元教学的尝试。现以第九册第六单元的教学为例,谈谈我的做法和体会: In the practice of the reform of the Chinese