
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glei66
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上海是柑桔栽培的北缘地区。在毛主席“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针指引下,试种柑桔有了迅速发展,1976年约达2700亩。但去冬今春遇到了几十年来罕见的冰雪严寒,对柑桔生产是一次严峻考验。在英明领袖华主席抓纲治国战略决策的指引下,在农业学大寨运动的推动下,郊区桔园贫下中农大力加强冻后的桔树管理,大部分受冻桔树初步恢复树冠,部分桔园尚可获得一定产量。 Shanghai is the northern edge of citrus cultivation. Guided by the principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development” of Chairman Mao, there has been a rapid development of experimental citrus cultivation in 1976, which amounted to about 2,700 mu. However, winter and spring have encountered rare snow and ice for decades, which is a severe test on citrus production. Guided by the wise decision of Chairman Hua in guiding the country by state policy, with the promotion of the Dazhai Campaign in Agriculture, the poor and middle peasants in the suburban orange groves vigorously strengthened the management of frozen orange trees. Most of the frozen orange trees were initially restored to the canopy, Park still get a certain yield.
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江泽民同志的“三个代表”思想是我党的立党之本 ,执政之基、力量之源 ,是新时期全面加强党的建设的伟大纲领和根本指导思想 ,也是我们深化卫生体制改革的指导思想。在当前卫
我县属淮北农业大县 ,总人口 12 0多万 ,辖 2 3个乡 (镇 ) ,有乡镇卫生院 2 3所 ,村卫生室 6 6 8个 ,最近我们实行了乡镇防保所管理体制的改革 ,现将做法总结报告如下。1 改
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营口地区1979年应用乙基1605炉渣颗粒剂防治玉米螟,面积达3.2万亩,1980年扩大到42.4万亩,1981年31.47万亩。三年防治效果均在90%以上。 Yingkou area in 1979, the applicat
每分钟78拍那一天你拉着我的手让我跟你走, 如今你还拉着我的手继续跟你走, 78 shots per minute that day you took my hand and let me go with you, and now you still t