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企业改革在改善企业外部条件,扩大企业经营自主权,增强企业活力等方面,取得了成效。然而,全民(国有)资产无人负责的问题却未真正解决。解决这一问题,成为深化企业改革,转换企业经营机制,把企业推向市场的一个难点和重点。本文拟就此谈点认识。 一、塑造国有资产增殖的责任主体,是深化企业改革,把企业推向市场的一个重要问题 1、承包制和股份制的共同缺陷 直至现在,企业改革较有生命力的两种形式,就是承包制和股份制。我在这里要说明的是承包制和股份制存在有共同的缺陷,这反映出我们现有的企业改革思路还有某种不周全之处。 承包制和股份制的共同缺陷,首先在于二者都未能塑造出明确的承担公有资产增殖职能的责任主体,即都未能解决公有资产增殖无人负责的根本问题。在承包制下,企业内部未形 The enterprise reform has achieved results in improving the external conditions of enterprises, expanding the autonomy of enterprises, and enhancing the vitality of enterprises. However, the problem of unresponsible people’s (state-owned) assets has not been truly resolved. Solving this problem has become a difficult and important point in deepening enterprise reform, transforming the company’s operating mechanism, and pushing the company to the market. This article intends to talk about this point of understanding. 1. The main body responsible for shaping the proliferation of state-owned assets is an important issue to deepen enterprise reform and bring enterprises to market. 1. Common defects of contracting system and joint-stock system Up till now, two forms of enterprise reform that have more vitality are the contract system and Shareholding system. What I am trying to explain here is that there are common defects in the contracting system and the joint-stock system. This reflects that there are some imperfections in our existing corporate reforms. The common flaws of the contracting system and the joint-stock system are, first and foremost, that neither of them has been able to create a clear responsibility body responsible for the proliferation of public assets, that is, they have failed to solve the fundamental problem of the proliferation of public assets. Under the contracting system, the company has not
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