
来源 :中医药学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maliuzhu
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隋唐时代(公元581~907年),科学文化繁荣,医学昌盛,中药炮制的理论和应用都不断发展。除炮制药物的数量不断增多外,还有专科药物的特殊炮制。《备急千金要方·序例》指出:“凡草有根茎根叶,皮骨花实;诸虫有毛翅皮甲,头足尾骨之属。有须烧炼炮炙,生熟有定,一如后法,顺方者福,逆之者殃,依法炼治,极令净洁。……诸经方用药,所有熬炼节度,皆脚注之,今方则不然,于此篇具条之,便不烦方下别注也。”“凡用石药及 During the Sui and Tang dynasties (AD 581-907), the science and culture prospered, medicine prospered, and the theory and application of Chinese medicine concoctions continued to develop. In addition to the increasing number of concocted medicines, there are also special concoctions for specialist medicines. The “Preparation of Thousand Gold Precursors” has pointed out: “Where grass has roots and leaves, skin bones are real flowers; various insects have hairy wing skins, and the head and foot tail bones are genus. As in the latter method, the blessings of the people who are in the right and those who are convulsed are punished according to the law and are extremely clean.... All the prescriptions of the various prescriptions are used as medicines, and all the consecrations are footnotes, but this is not the case. If you have everything, you don’t bother about it.” “All stone medicine and
刺五加Acanthobanax senticosus(Rupr et Maxim)〔EleutherococcusSenticosus(Rupr et Maxim)Maxim〕广泛分布于黑龙江省,资源非常丰富。此外,吉林、辽宁、河北等省市亦有生
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