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高效GPC广泛地应用于测量高聚物的分子量和分子量分布,有显著的优点,取得了很好的结果。但是,我们必须考虑样品中高分子量部分的降解,因为降解的存在,会影响校正曲线的准确性,从而使计算的分子量和分子量分布产生误差。如果降解严重,则不能用高效GPC进行分子量和分子量分布的测定。本文研究高分子量的P2VP流经高效GPC的Styragel柱后的降解行为,并讨论降解的原因。 High-performance GPC has been widely used to measure the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polymers, with significant advantages and good results. However, we must consider the degradation of the high molecular weight portion of the sample because the presence of degradation affects the accuracy of the calibration curve, causing errors in calculated molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. If degradation is serious, the determination of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution can not be performed with high performance GPC. In this paper, the degradation behavior of high molecular weight P2VP after passing through Styragel column of high performance GPC was studied and the reason of degradation was discussed.
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