
来源 :福建政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snsjgl
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目前稻子将熟,秋收在望,为保卫秋收工作的胜利完成,各军分区及主力部队除积极加强海防、江防,剿匪肃特,巩固治安,防止匪特破坏外,还应发扬我军助民生产的光荣传统,为此特决定全军人员尽量抽出时间,配合党政军民,机关全体,作好秋收工作:(一)我各地武、主力、警备部队、后方机关部队的任务:1.地方武装及担任剿匪任务的主力部队,在收割生产中,应大力结合剿匪任务,在匪特公开活动的地区,应积极行动剿灭股匪,一手拿枪,一手拿镰,严密警戒,掩护群众,粉碎匪特抢粮及一切阴谋活动,对匪特隐蔽分散活动地区,则可通过帮助秋收侦察匪情,了解情况,动员群众武装自卫,提高警惕,反对麻痹大意,防止武装匪特.抢掠及乘机煽动饿民抢粮、抢公共财物的事件发生 At present, the paddy will be ripened and the harvest of the autumn is on its horizon. To accomplish the victory of defending the autumn harvest, the military sub-regions and the main force, apart from actively strengthening the defense of Haiphong, Jiang Fang and the suppression of bandits, consolidating public order and preventing theft of bandits, should also carry forward our army The glorious tradition of production has, to this end, decided that the entire army personnel should try their best to extract time and cooperate with the military, the party, government, and the government as a whole and do a good job of harvesting in autumn: (1) The tasks of the armed forces, the main forces, the guard troops and the rear authority forces in various places: Armed forces and the main forces responsible for the task of suppressing bandits should take vigorous measures to combat banditry in the area of ​​harvesting. In the areas where bandit activities are carried out openly, they should take active steps to exterminate their bandits, hand guns, handcuffs in one hand and close warnings to cover the masses , Smashing robbers and grabbing food and all conspiracies, and helping theft and disperse areas of activity, we can help the masses to mobilize the armed self-defense and vigilance against unbridled nuisance and the prevention of armed gangs by helping the fall harvest reconnaissance banditry, understanding the situation, Take the opportunity to incite hungry people grab grain, grab public property incident
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摘 要:十六大以来,中国共产党人在建设中国特色社会主义文化实践中,创造性地提出了提高国家文化软实力,解放和发展文化生产力,增强文化发展活力,建设社会主义核心价值体系,建设和谐文化,坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,建设社会主义文化强国。这些创新成果丰富和发展了中国特色社会主义文化理论。  关键词:中國特色社会主义文化 理论成果     "文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。"[1]文化建设在中国
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爲了糾正各地民兵誤工妨礙生產的嚴重現象,茲根據‘中華人民共和國民兵組織暫行條例’第三條及第六條,對民兵的任務及有開制度,特作如下的指示: (一) 民兵的主要任務,是在鄉
各区、县人民政府,各委、局,各直属单位: 对义务兵家属实行优待是党和政府的一贯政策,是我国人民的优良传统,体现了党和政府对义务兵家属和广大优抚对象的关怀和照顾。我市
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