
来源 :中国麻风杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xllq
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1991年6月17—21日。WHO在雅加达组织了一次麻风的流行病学和防治会议。在小组讨论报告中有一节专门论述了评价麻风防治规划所需的基本资科,认为对于一个国家或一个地区来说,做此项评价时所用的主要指标有六项、即流行率、病例发现率、新病人中的畸残率、MDT覆盖率、完成MDT的病人数及MDT。后的复发病人数。另外,为了特定目的,如果有能力去收集,还可利用下述供选择的指标,即按型计的流行率(PB/MB)、新病人中儿童所占的比率、由下同方式发现的新病人数、在已登记的病人中新残疾的发生率及新病人中的MDT覆盖率。为计算指标而收集资料是要花钱的,故有必要限定指标的数目,同时指出收集资料要全面,六项主要指标宜每年计算一次,且头两项除计算出“率”以外还应附上其绝对数,即患者总数,新发现病人数及人口数。 June 17-21, 1991. WHO organized a conference on epidemiology and control of leprosy in Jakarta. In a panel discussion report, a section devoted to the basic resources required for the evaluation of leprosy control programs was considered as the main indicator used in making this evaluation for one country or one region, namely the prevalence, the number of cases Detection rate, malformation rate in new patients, MDT coverage, number of patients who completed MDT and MDT. After the recurrence of the number of patients. In addition, for specific purposes, the following alternative indicators, namely the prevalence by type (PB / MB) and the percentage of children in new patients, found by the following method, if available, are also available New patient number, incidence of new disability in registered patients, and MDT coverage in new patients. It is costly to collect information for the calculation of indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the number of indicators. At the same time, it is pointed out that the information collected should be comprehensive and the six major indicators should be calculated annually. The first two items should be accompanied by the “rate” The absolute number, the total number of patients, the number of newly discovered patients and the population.
山西霍山:他驾驶汽车以6分35秒成功跨越100.2米长的钢索,创造了世界吉尼斯纪录。  北京雁栖湖:两条长60米、高20米横跨雁栖湖面的钢索,他一连七日驾车跨越。    只听说过新疆阿迪力高空走钢丝成想还有人能驾驶汽车走钢丝。  2006年5月7日,我们在北京怀柔雁栖湖见到杨向东时,他正准备驾车进行新一次钢索跨越。也许缘于军人,我们一见如故。此时,湖岸边为杨向东助兴专场演出异常火爆热闹,熙熙攘攘的