
来源 :石油与天然气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reemchan
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在岩性、热解参数等原生性识别和碳酸盐烃源岩评价的基础上,经统计有机质丰度、类型、性质,确定有机质成熟度与演化阶段,进行综合评价与对比后,对研究区烃源岩的生烃能力作出了综合评价,认为原始生烃母质属Ⅰ—Ⅱ1型,具有中等生烃强度的烃源岩特点,属较好烃源岩范畴,研究认为,鄂尔多斯下古生界碳酸盐烃源岩具有三段式四阶段的生烃演化特征,即以见R0=0.65%、1.50%、2.25%划分为低成熟、成熟、高成熟三段式和热裂解气生成的第四阶段。第四阶段主要处于过成熟阶段,以残余干酪根的热裂解以生成高温甲烷干气为特征,马家沟组中下部和寒武系正处于这一成烃演化阶段。 Based on the primary identification of lithology and pyrolysis parameters and the evaluation of carbonate source rocks, the abundances, types and properties of organic matter were determined, and the maturity and evolution stages of organic matter were determined. After comprehensive evaluation and comparison, The hydrocarbon generation ability of the source rocks in the area has been comprehensively evaluated. It is considered that the original hydrocarbon generation parent material belongs to type Ⅰ-Ⅱ1 and has the characteristics of moderate hydrocarbon generation intensity, which is a good source rock area. It is considered that Ordos Lower Paleozoic The source rocks of the boundary carbonate have three-stage four-stage evolution characteristics of hydrocarbon generation, that is, they are divided into low maturity, mature and high maturity three-stage type with R0 = 0.65%, 1.50% and 2.25% And pyrolysis gas generation of the fourth stage. The fourth stage is mainly in the over mature stage, characterized by thermal cracking of residual kerogen to generate high-temperature methane dry gas. The middle-lower part of the Majiagou Formation and the Cambrian are at the stage of hydrocarbon generation and evolution.
自1995年以来,我们先后承担了“九五国家重点科技攻关——计算机辅助教学软件研制开发与应用”(简称96-750项目),国家教委立项的“03-14科(化工类)化学系列课程改革研究与实践”,辽宁 Since
1 引 言1997年2月至11月,我们采用利福平、庆大霉素、小檗碱保留灌肠加口服治疗小儿急性细菌性痢疾(菌痢)100例,取得良好疗效,现报告如下。2 临床资料2.1 一般资料本组100例中男62例,女38例。年龄1~12岁。
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