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建立稳定的社会秩序和良好的社会机制,谋求国家与民族的发展与繁荣,是中国历史上一个永恒的主题。历史上关于社会建设的实践和思想理论,源远流长,涵蕴丰富,传统与现代兼容,精华与迂腐并蓄,又长期表现为政府行为和社会行为的双重作用,其本身就是一个庞大多彩的“文化宝藏”。本刊开设“中国传统社会建设理论研究”专栏,选用了李治安教授承担的国家社科首届重大招标项目“我国历史上关于社会建设理论的研究”的一组论文,以飨读者。其中,张分田文剖析各种典型的理想政治模式的结构、要素,揭示古代主流文化核心价值体系的特征,全方位、多视角地把握传统社会道德建设理论的内涵、属性和价值,揭示其在构建社会秩序、实现社会理想中的重要功能。王利华文指出,“三才”理论即中国古代社会建设的思想纲领,以“天”为经、“地”为纬、“人”为本,注重协调和综合考量人与天、地之间的关系,该理论虽非严密科学论证,但其借鉴意义显而易见。李治安文认为,张载、朱熹、王阳明以理学家和士大夫代表的双重身份论述“宗法”、“家礼”、“义学”、“社仓”和“乡约”等问题,从新儒学的最高层次为乡里新秩序绘制了一幅内涵丰富的蓝图。这无疑给致力于乡村建设的士绅群体提供了精神支撑与理论先导。王先明文指出,清末“新政”中乡绅强占权力和资源,形成绅权“体制化”及绅民对立。国民政府欲借保甲制,打破乡绅专断,终未如愿。梁漱溟、晏阳初等或多传统色彩,或带西化倾向,试图从文化建设层面规划乡村发展。共产党以革命的选择,开辟了近代民族和乡村建设的胜利之路。江沛文论及近代转型期经济重构引发城乡失衡、移民潮、娼业痼疾、匪患、秘密结社等诸多社会问题,强调社会问题解决的根本途径是法治化。 Establishing a stable social order and a sound social system and seeking the development and prosperity of the country and the nation are an eternal theme in Chinese history. Historically, the practice and ideological theory of social construction has a long history, rich heritage, compatibility with tradition and modernity, essence and pedantry, and long-term performance as a dual role of government action and social behavior. It is itself a huge and colorful “ Cultural treasure ”. The magazine opened “China’s traditional social construction theory” column, selected Professor Li Zhian’s national social science undertakes the first major bidding project “history of our country on the theory of social construction, ” a group of essays to readers . Among them, Zhang Zhanwen analyzes the structure and elements of various typical ideal political models and reveals the characteristics of the ancient mainstream culture core value system. He grasps the connotation, attribute and value of the traditional social morality construction theory from all angles and perspectives, In the construction of social order, to achieve social ideal of the important functions. Wang Lihua pointed out that the theory of “three talents”, that is, the ideological program of ancient Chinese society, is based on “Heaven ” and “Earth ” as latitude and “person ” as the basis, focusing on coordination and comprehensive consideration of people And the relationship between heaven and earth, although the theory is not rigorous scientific argument, but its significance is obvious. According to Li’s article, Zhang Zai, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming argue that the two identities of the Neo-Confucianism and the representative of the scholarly officials are “patriarchal”, “courtesy”, “righteousness”, “social class” and “ About ”and other issues, from the highest level of neo-Confucianism for the new order of the village drawn a rich connotation blueprint. This undoubtedly provides spiritual support and theoretical guidance to gentry groups dedicated to rural construction. Wang Xianming pointed out that in the late Qing Dynasty, the gentry in the “New Deal” seized power and resources, formed the gentry power “institutionalization ” and the opposite of the gentry. The Kuomintang government tried to break the squire arbitrarily by means of a Baojia system and eventually failed to do so. Liang Shuming and Yan Yangchu are more or more traditional or inclined to bring westernization, trying to plan rural development from the perspective of cultural construction. The Communist Party, by its choice of revolution, opened up the road to victory in the construction of modern nation and country. Jiang Peiwen and many other social issues such as economic restructuring in the modern transition period caused urban-rural imbalances, immigration waves, prostitution diseases, banditry and clandestine associations. Emphasizing that the fundamental way to solve social problems is the rule of law.
本文首先简明扼要地叙述了博物馆保管工作的重要性,然后详细的阐述了博物馆保管工作人员应具备的素质和要求   博物馆的基本功能是藏品的保管、陈列展示以及以藏品为基础的社会教育,而藏品的保管工作是博物馆整个工作的核心,是博物馆开展业务活动的基础。只有基础工作做好了也就是只有科学的管理保护藏品好并且对其进行深入的研究,才能为陈列展览提供精美的展品,才能把展品所蕴涵的丰富的历史、文化内涵以陈列语言的方式展
纵观四百年《西游记》研究,硕果累累。笔者主要从其成书过程入手,结合民间文学、小说研究方法,分世代累积型和文人独立创作两部分,分析《西游记》作为一部小说的特性,企图拨开层层迷雾,还原其小说本性。   《西游记》作为一部小说,与其他明清小说有很多不同的地方,甚至有“天书”的称号。其复杂性在于:一、它是世代累积型集体创作与文人独立创作的结合。《西游记》不是像孙悟空一般从石头缝里面冒出来,而是经
摘要:党内民主是党的生命,民主是其始终奋斗目标之一。党内和谐有利于提高党的政策的科学性, 有利于促进社会和谐;党内和谐的建立要从完善党内民主、从根本上防治腐败等方面进一步采取必要的措施, 使我们党的核心地位得以进一步加强。党内和谐对于提高党的执政水平和建设和谐社会具有至关重要的意义。  关键词:科学发展观;党内民主;党内和谐;浅析  2002年党的十六大提出:“党内民主是党的生命”的科学论断。近年