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张宝明的文章对张光芒、陈晓明、刘士林的观点一一作了回应,指出文学与道德的关系不是要不要道德的问题,而是如何摆正道德的定位问题;无论是把道德作为文学的救命稻草还是杯弓蛇影的暗器,都是殊途同归的思维模式;道德的理性与非理性的双重因素决定了知识分子应走“形而下”的外化道路。张全之的文章则追溯了“五四”道德革命的深层缺失,指出其肯定现世人生,拒斥道德形而上诉求,从而使信仰世界出现“真空”;影响所及,使新文学创作在世俗化倾向上越走越远。杨庆东进一步指出,中国启蒙运动过于注重道德实践的个体性与个人中心主义,而忽略了道德普遍主义,这直接导致整个启蒙运动关于现代性道德伟大谋划的失败;在当下道德实用主义盛行的文化语境中,对此加以反省,既是重寻人文精神资源的思想需求,也具有极大的现实意义。潘正文试图以更为辩证的态度来理解道德形而上主义与百年中国文学之争,认为它反映的是自“五四”以来一直未曾解决的两难选择问题,即文学的审美主义性质与启蒙理性的反审美主义之间的内在矛盾;并指出,道德形而上问题的解决,必须紧扣中国语境和中国文学的两难性质,这样才能有的放矢,而不应该以西方的后现代背景作为道德虚无主义的借口。 Zhang’s article responds to the views of Zhang Guang-mang, Chen Xiaoming and Liu Shilin one by one and points out that the relationship between literature and morality is not a matter of not requiring morality but of how to put the problem of moral orientation in place. Whether morality is the lifeline of literature Or the hidden weapon of the shadow of the cup and bow, are the same way of thinking; the moral and irrational dual factors determine the intellectuals should take the “shape down” path of externalization. Zhang Quanzhi’s article goes back to the deep lack of “May Fourth” moral revolution, pointing out that affirming the life in the world and rejecting the moral metaphysics, the “vacuum” appears in the world of faith; The trend of secularization goes farther and farther. Yang Qidong further pointed out that the Chinese Enlightenment’s emphasis on the individuality and individual-centrism of moral practice and omission of moral universalism led directly to the failure of the Enlightenment’s great plan of modern morality. In the current cultural pragmatics of moral pragmatism In the context, it is of great practical significance to reflect on this not only for the ideological needs of re-searching for humane spirit resources. Pan Zhengwen tries to understand the dispute between moral metaphysics and centennial Chinese literature in a more dialectical way, thinking that it reflects the dilemma of choice which has not been solved since the May 4th Movement, that is, the aesthetic nature and enlightenment of literature Rational anti-aestheticism, and points out that the solution of the metaphysical problem of morality must be closely linked with the dilemma of Chinese context and Chinese literature so that it can be targeted rather than taking the postmodern western context as moral nihilism Excuse
在 2 0世纪末的中国文坛 ,现代主义思潮演化出来的“先锋文学” ,是 2 0世纪中国文学史上一个重要的现象和收获。现代主义的“先锋文学” ,为中国本土文学创作的多元发展提供
本文以近十年来中国古装历史影视剧为研究对象 ,从历史和古装历史影视剧的语义学含义入手 ,参考经典电影理论、现代电影理论及相关的文艺理论 ,将其分为后现代古装历史影视剧
美国作家希兹卡的童话故事集《臭奶酪小人儿以及其他相当愚蠢的故事》 ,从插图、版面设计直至封面和封底的设计处处都有匠心 ,值得把玩与欣赏。但这本童话集不是普通意义上的
目的 研究HIV 1感染中相关细胞因子IFN γ对人类疱疹病毒 8型 (HHV 8)Rta基因启动子活性影响 ;评价Rta基因启动子在多种细胞中的启动活性。方法 将已构建的HHV 8Rta启动子