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在“三严三实”专题教育活动中,加强党性修养是党员干部严以修身的首要任务和关键所在。党员干部加强党性修养、严以修身的路径选择有其方法论的原则依据。按照抽象与具体相统一和逻辑与历史相统一的方法论原则,党员干部加强党性修养、严以修身的路径选择应当沿着从简单到复杂、从低级到高级的逻辑进路加以系统构建。首先是“做人”的修养,即党员干部按照合格公民标准加强自身修养,这是其加强党性修养和严以修身的基础。其次是做“合格党员”的修养,即党员干部按照合格党员标准加强自身修养,这是其加强党性修养和严以修身的前提。再次是做“合格党员干部”的修养,即党员干部按照合格党员干部基本条件和标准加强自身的修养,这是其加强党性修养和严以修身的基本要求和“严”的基本体现。最后是做“党的好干部”的修养,即党员干部按照新时期党的好干部标准加强自身修养,这是其严以修身之“严”的真正体现和加强党性修养的最高境界。 In the special education campaign entitled “Three Strictnesses and Three Truths,” strengthening Party spirit cultivation is the most important task and the key point for party members and cadres to strictly self-cultivation. Party members and cadres to strengthen the party spirit, strict self-cultivation path choice has its principle of methodology. According to the methodology of unification of abstraction and concreteness and the unification of logic and history, party members and cadres should systematically build their logical approach of strengthening party spirit and self-cultivation in order to proceed from simple to complex and from low to advanced. The first is “self-cultivation”, that is, Party members and cadres should strengthen their self-cultivation according to the standards of qualified citizens. This is the basis for strengthening Party spirit cultivation and self-cultivation. Second is to do “Qualified Party members ” training, that is, party members and cadres in accordance with the standards of qualified members to strengthen self-cultivation, which is to strengthen party spirit and strict self-cultivation of the premise. Once again, it is the accomplishment of “qualified cadres” that party members and cadres should strengthen their self-cultivation according to the basic conditions and standards of qualified party members and cadres, which is the basic requirement for strengthening party spirit and strict self-cultivation and the basic principle of “strict” reflect. Finally, it is the accomplishment of “a good cadre of the party.” That is, party members and cadres should strengthen their self-cultivation according to the standards of good cadres in the new period. This is the true manifestation of their strict “self-cultivation” and the highest manifestation of strengthening party spirit realm.
一、must的用法1)表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to,否定回答要用needn’t或