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可湿性粉剂是农药加工中的一个比较新的成就,它的优点:(1)浓度高,到施用地点再加水稀释,可以节约运输费用;(2)因附着力强药效比粉剂强。一般喷粉时,能附着在叶片或虫体上的药粉只佔7%;其他的93%则落在地上或飞扬在空中。而喷雾时,附着的可达23%左右,药力的残效也比较长;(3)生产成本低,和乳剂比较药效差的不多,但加工费用就低得很多,而且固体包装容易,冬季不怕冻坏。因此可湿性粉剂是有很大发展前途的。目前我国的可湿性六六六粉剂,已大量生产并广泛施用了。但由于技术条件限制,主要的是物理性状太差,质量较低。在防治玉米钻心虫时,据华北农业科 Wettable powder is a relatively new achievement in the processing of pesticides. Its advantages are: (1) High concentration, diluted with water to the place of application, can save the transportation cost; (2) Because of the strong adhesion, the medicine effect is stronger than the powder. In general, powder can only attach to the leaf or insect body powder accounted for only 7%; the other 93% fell to the ground or flying in the air. While the spray, the attachment up to about 23%, the residual drug potency is relatively long; (3) the production cost is low, and the emulsion is less than the poor efficacy, but the processing cost is much lower, and solid packaging easy, winter Not afraid of freezing. So WP is a great development. At present, China’s wettability six six six powder, has been mass-produced and widely used. However, due to technical limitations, the main thing is poor physical properties, low quality. Corn bore worm prevention and control, according to the North China Agricultural Branch
【本刊讯】中央音乐学院学生康文婷近日在第1 7届勃拉姆斯国际比赛中,荣获中提琴组第三名。这是一个极其计较音乐演奏风格并水平很高的比赛。这次比赛选手共有4 9名来自不同
华山松(Pinus armandi Franch)是我国西部的重要用材树种。湖北省宜昌地区——各国营林场共引种造林12万亩, 10万亩生长正常,有2万亩先后发生了病害。为了观察华山松的病害
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