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1998年1月17日《光明日报》发表罗国杰的文章指出,本世纪20年代以后在中国形成了“新儒学”学派,他们长期致力于中国传统儒家的研究,并取得了一定成绩。但他们不是用历史唯物主义的思想对儒学进行批判继承,而是只强调“复兴儒学”、“返本开新”,力图在儒学的根本中开出现代的科学与民主等。这与我们的主张存在着严重分歧。一些人提出要把儒家精神作为我们的时代精神,是十分错误的。中国的传统文化,包括儒家文化和儒家伦理道德,如果不经过马克思主义的批判和扬弃,就不但不可能为有中国特色社会主义建设服务,还可能成为建设社会主义现代化的阻力。尤其值得指出的是,儒家思想已 The article published by Guangming Daily on January 17, 1998, pointed out that the “Neo-Confucianism” schools formed in China after the 1920s have long dedicated themselves to the study of Chinese traditional Confucianism and have achieved some success. However, instead of carrying on the critical inheritance of Confucianism with the historical materialism, they emphasize only “revive Confucianism” and “return capital to new things” in an effort to open up modern science and democracy in the fundamental Confucianism. This is a serious disagreement with our position. Some people put forward the Confucian spirit as our spirit of the times, which is very wrong. China’s traditional culture, including Confucianism and Confucian ethics, will not only serve to build socialism with Chinese characteristics but will also become a resistance to the socialist modernization unless it is criticized and subjugated by Marxism. In particular, Confucianism has been pointed out
文中介绍了基于H.264的流媒体播放器的软件体系结构,并给出了利用Linux多线程编程有效实现H.264视频实时传输协议模块的方案。 This paper introduces the software archite
<正> 绿萝是一种热带藤本植物,有气根,通常有悬垂的枝条,叶片呈心形,翠绿而光亮,夹杂有黄色斑块,清心悦目,常用来做绿萝柱、壁挂、悬吊、水插和装饰石山等,被人们誉为"海陆空
明星也是人啊,就不允许别人有点个人爱好?在繁忙的工作之余,不少港台明星都迷上了收藏,他们收藏的东西也是五花八门。比比看,你的业余爱好是什么? Stars are also human bei